MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Donnie Diapers says his dad is NOT a rac...

Donnie Diapers says his dad is NOT a racist, because...

Donnie Diapers defended his father against being a racist BECAUSE his dad used to spend a lot of time with rappers. Yep, he said that in an interview with the conservative "news" website The Daily Caller.

“I know him. I've seen him my whole life. It's amazing, all the rappers ... all his African-American friends from Jesse Jackson to Al Sharpton … I have pictures [of my dad] with them.”

Diapers also found it offensive that people started hating on his papa when he ran for President. "All of a sudden [people said], 'Oh, he's the most terrible human being in the world.' "

No, Diapers - not 'all of a sudden'.


By that logic. None of us are racists then. At least I know I am a racist and I have been around with plenty of black rappers


As they say, "like father, like son".


I'm not sure where he was educated, but I'm sure his former teachers must cringe every time he speaks.
