MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Doggy Do Do is a paid operative of "The ...

Doggy Do Do is a paid operative of "The Resistance"

I used to think he just cut and paste his articles from the MSM. But when I google a paragraph, I find something close. He is changing the sentence structure and a few words. Just like college students do.

When I post a story, I start with a comment, the URL, and then a snippet. Lots of bloggers do, it only takes a minute. DoggieDaddy spends a lot more time, someone must be paying him.


Yeah, seems like some sorta paid troll. Doo Doo is un-american for sure.

Keep an eye out for lefties & commies.


Do Do and the Control Left media have watered down Trump's image so much that even if something did come to light against him people would just gloss over it as they have with the many, many allegations that have held zero weight.

I thought the Tea Party were embarrassing but watching the mainstream media act like Alex Jones is a massive blow to one of the pillars of democracy.



Funded by Soros or Brock?


Wouldn't that be wonderful if someone was paying me? And with the new tax structure in place, I could be saving $1.50 per week! Can't beat that. That's half of a cup of coffee at Starbucks. A whole $1.50 thanks to T-rump!


Paid to sway the opinion of literally dozens of people๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜„


It is really noticeable, something is up with him. Nobody can be this dedicated and stupid, most of the Trump haters I know give up after a while because...

1. They usually end getting proven wrong on a lot of things.

2. They never cared in the first place, they just wanted to be like their peers.

But this guy is quick with the threads, he claims he is "one of the many watchdogs", but why is someone so hellbent on the MovieChat board? It's not even that highly populated. Most of his talking points and arguments are just regurgitated crap he heard on leftist websites, I would know because I read the same websites, I try to read both left and right websites.


You seem a little scared, there.


Yeah I'm shaking in my boots!


Something's not sitting right with you. It's obvious.


Yeah I already pointed it out, do you even read or have any sort of memory?


None of your posts are that memorable.


I think that's the smartest reply you have ever come up with!


It's not even that highly populated.

No message board no matter how small is immune to trolls. :/


True that!


While hiring a troll to cruise a message board sounds crazy, it's totally believable.

Let's not forget that the government did use MEMES to influence the 2016 election. You can tell it was from the left too, because the meme's of the left usually came out of nowhere, just appeared on your newsfeed. (Joe Biden & Obama friendship memes, Occupy Democrats, The Other 98%)

When most of the of the Pro-Trump memes could be traced back to users on 4Chan.
