Why can't everyone just get along?
Like we did when Obama took power or his predecessor George W. Bush?
shareLike we did when Obama took power or his predecessor George W. Bush?
shareThose guys were dicks.
shareBecause T-rump is a different 'person', and allegedly that is why he had followers - they were looking for 'different', and not the 'usual'.
And in his case, different meant not only an "outsider of DC" but also: inexperienced, unqualified, egomaniac, uncontrollable, vulgar, bully, unreasonable, selfish, unintelligent, racist, misogynist, bigot, etc. The list is endless.
Now we are paying the steep price for 'different'.
It's because Trump is intentionally divisive. He goes out of his way to piss off the other side 24-7, something we've never had a president do before.
He got his foot in the door by being a DC outsider, but at the same time he did the alt-right's bidding. What did they want from him? Trump was their way of giving payback to the SJWs who were excessively satisfied with Obama for eight years and only wanted Hillary to win because she was a woman. It made the alt-right's blood boil. So now all the president has to do is tweet, and his base is happy. Those tweets are sweet music to the alt-right's ear. Issues don't mean a damn thing.
For example, Trump allowed for the repeal of Net Neutrality? That's not a DC outsider position, but SnagsWolf and Satan2016 (typical Trump supporter mentalities) don't care. Trump allows ISPs to sell your private data? That's not a DC outsider position, but SnagsWolf and Satan2016 don't care. Trump allows a $110 billion weapons deal with Saudi Arabia ($400 billion total)? That's not a DC outsider position, but SnagsWolf and Satan2016 don't care. All typical DC shenanigans, but as long as SJWs are unhappy, the Trumpsters are happy.