The Nunes Memo: Much Ado About Absolutely Nothing
Well, the Nunes Memo was indeed released, all three and half pages of it that takes about six minutes to read, perhaps eight if you really want to scrutinize it and see if you missed 'the smoking gun' somewhere. Fact is - there is no 'smoking gun'. The memo was a dud (a 'joke' by some reporters) and quite frankly, much ado about nothing at all.
'Midnight Runner' Nunes wrote his memo to try and show that the process by which the FBI and Justice Department obtained approval from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to conduct surveillance on former Trump adviser Carter Page was deeply flawed. It stretches and stretches like a rubber band as it strains to show that the genesis of the probe was rooted in partisan dirty tricks and the Mueller investigation somehow constitutes a “deep state” coup to overthrow the president, justifying an effort to quash or constrain it. It doesn't even come close.
The memo claims that the dossier formed an “essential part” of the application for surveillance approval, but also it “omitted” the fact that the research had been funded by Democrats.
We already knew from multiple media reports the memo would include this omission...and? Nunes' memo doesn't prove it's a problem at all.
Same with Steele's personal feelings towards Trump. Who cares whether he likes him or not - he's not a random person engaged in a personal on-going feud with T-rump or Page, where he's out to get revenge and making this up. He's a former MI6 intelligence officer and Russia expert, hired to do opposition research because of his professional reputation, expertise and contacts. So where's the corruption in that? The memo doesn't even come close to that avenue.
Much ado about nothing - another shiny quarter tossed to distract from the Russian investigation.