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Nunes memo released tomorrow; MSM is just trolling

Headlines that google "nunes memo" returns. Why is CNN at the top?

Trump sees Nunes memo as a way to discredit the Russia ... -
The incredibly simple reason why Trump is going to release the Nunes memo - CNN
Schiff accuses Nunes of altering memo before sending to White House - CNN
Source: FBI still has 'grave concerns' about Nunes memo - CNNPolitics
White House worried FBI director could quit over Nunes memo release - CNN
Anderson Pooper: Nunes memo is a phony drama - CNN Video
While You Are Tweeting About the Nunes Memo, Russia Is Plotting Its midterm Attack - Mother Jones
Who is Devin Nunes and why is he sowing confusion in the Russia Probe - Guardian
Trump on Nunes memo: It's a distraction! -

Clearly the leftist MSM cannot accept that the DOJ/FBI is corrupt or incompetent. Clinton was not arrested, they lost important texts, the Trump-hate staff emails, resignations etc. Democrats and the MSM are either paranoid or pathological liars!

If there are serious omissions, then the Democrats can enter them into the record in Congress, where they are immure from prosecution (classified info).

Here is the only balanced MSM story I found. No conservative sites found by Google!

Trump to declassify surveillance memo, sources say – as Pelosi seeks Nunes ouster

Fox News is told that the version Trump plans to declassify contains “technical edits” made at the request of the FBI.

Sources said the edited version was shown to five FBI officials at the White House on Tuesday afternoon. Sources said the officials were satisfied that the edited memo addressed concerns they had about the earlier version they reviewed on Monday.

Yet, in a rare and surprising rebuke, an FBI statement was released on Wednesday asserting they had “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

A source familiar with the memo said the edits included some addressing grammar and clarity, as well as an edit done at the request of the FBI and another at the request of committee Democrats. The source challenged Schiff’s claims, saying the edits were made before the memo went to the White House.


Googling "FISA memo" gets better results. This one explains how the Democrats can respond.

Will angry Democrats leak their FISA memo rebuttal?


Lefties hate Hannity, but he's smarter than a prison full of Democrats!

"Democrats and the media, they are now hyperventilating and breathlessly doing everything they can possibly do to discredit and stop the memo from being released," Hannity said.

He said that Democratic leaders like Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) have attacked the memo in "one big lying echo chamber."

Those talking points have quickly been adopted by Democratic "allies" in the media, Hannity said.

"If the media had any ethical standards left and if they really cared about truth, if they cared about the American people, if they believed in transparency, they would have been all over this story, demanding on behalf of the American people that the memo be released," he said.

He added this scandal will make Watergate "look like a parking ticket," but you'd never assume that based upon how it's being covered.


"Clearly the leftist MSM cannot accept that the DOJ/FBI is corrupt or incompetent. "

So you're saying that the Republican DOJ and FBI, all hand-picked by T-rump himself because he promised us he only picks 'the best' and 'the brightest' for his administration, are all corrupt and incompetent?

So T-rump lied to us when he said they were the best and the brightest?

What else has he lied to us about? Do tell!

Aren't you tired of all this winnng?

"Here is the only balanced MSM story I found."



Doggy shits on the carpet again.

Surely you read the memo? The FBI is corrupt! Six names, most not picked by Trump.

FOX was right! Tell us who is balanced then. Why hasn't CNN apologized yet?


"Surely you read the memo?"

I did. Did you?

" The FBI is corrupt!"

Show me where in the memo it proves the FBI is corrupt.
