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Another T-rump major accomplishment for our economy!

Score one for T-rump in another improvement to our economy, though this one is more 'direct' to one person...

Stormy Daniels has said 'business is booming' thanks to T-rump, as she has launched a 'Make America Horny Again' tour of a strip-tease act. She's been advertising it on her Instagram account, which was 'mysteriously' closed on Monday afternoon. (The last posting the 39 year old porn star posted was for her performance at a strip club in Greenville, South Carolina.)

A spokesperson for Daniels said they're not sure why Instagram deleted her account just two days after she began her 'Horny' tour. “We don’t know why it was deleted. We’re not sure if Instagram deleted it or if it was hacked and deleted,” Gina Rodriguez, Daniels’s representative, told reporters. She also said there were no nude or profane pictures posted in the account.

As for her reviews? Said one guy leaving the nightclub where she performed over the weekend:

“I’m proud of our pimp-ass president.”

Sleep tight Mitt Romney. This is what 'family values' is all about.


can you link me to her insta?


Once again, after JFK and Bill Clinton, it's astounding to see Democrats suddenly concerned about presidents fucking someone other than their wives.


It's even more astounding to see Rethuglicans so acceptable to this behavior. What happened to the party of family values? I guess the oath among party members - "If a Republican does it, it's OK" - really is true.

Really miss the outrage - especially in conservative media - from Rethuglicans over this.


So your defense for being a hypocrite is accusing others of the same?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


My defense? No. I'm not defending anything. I never had a problem with Clinton (that was about his marriage) and never had a problem with T-rump cheating on ANY of his wives - past and present (that's about his three marriages).

I'm astounded by the hypocrisy on the right - turning their heads and pretending this hasn't happened, just like the rest of T-rump's behavior for the past two years.

So once again, I'm asking where is the Republican party (of family values) outrage by this behavior as they were about Clinton?

If you find it - let me know.


"and never had a problem with T-rump cheating on ANY of his wives "

And yet here you are, hyperventilating about it, posting thread after thread on the subject.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"And yet here you are, hyperventilating about it, posting thread after thread on the subject. "

Of course I am (well not hyperventilating; that's your embellishment) - despite what FOX is headlining about Hillary's emails and ignoring this story - THIS is what is current news today, and developing more and more.

Yes, thread after thread....more and more news....breaking headline after breaking headline.

Maybe FOX will jump on the bandwagon and get with it, too?


"THIS is what is current news today"

Only to dumbass liberals, trying to ignore the revelations going on with the Democrat deceit that instigated the Mueller investigation.

Hey, let's trot out a porn star to get people to ignore the fact that the Democrats used bogus information to acquire a FISA warrant.

And here we have Doggy, breathlessly hyperventilating and posting thread after thread on it.

You're an obedient little puppy.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"Only to dumbass liberals, trying to ignore the revelations going on with the Democrat deceit that instigated the Mueller investigation."

And apparently yo Melania T-rump, as well. The First Lady who does absolutely nothing suddenly has a 'scheduling conflict' and can't go to Davos with her chubby hubby.

I hope Stormy is waiting for him in the hotel room.


I'm trying to have an adult conversation about the issues. Take your tabloid trash to the kids' table.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit."

This is my routine response to your signature where I point out that this is rich considering Trump's political career was launched off the completely nonsensical (and racist) birther movement.


"I'm trying to have an adult conversation about the issues."


You haven't had an adult conversation yet in your life.


"You haven't had an adult conversation yet in your life. "

Yeah, whine like a bitch some more about Stormy.

Such intelligent conversation.
