MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump Wanted Government Shutdown & Nucle...

"White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said that OMB is preparing for "what we're calling 'The Schumer Shutdown." However, Mulvaney says the shutdown will not be as "impactful" as the one in 2013 because the Obama administration "chose to make it worse" for political reasons. "

OMB Director Mick Mulvaney: Obama "Weaponized" Government Shutdown In 2013, "Will Look Very Different" This Time

Barack Obama (Probably) Won’t Rule Out Initiating a Nuclear War

President Obama Threatens President Putin With Nuclear War

22 US House Democrats Press Obama to Adopt 'No-First-Use' Nuclear Weapons Policy


Obama isn't president so he's irrelevant. The tweeting Trump imbecile "my nuclear button is bigger than your nuclear button" is.

I read a right-wing investment newspaper that supports Trump which gives an interesting argument as to why this shutdown could effect the economy and stock market.

"Why This Government Shutdown May Be Worse For The Economy, Markets.
Government shutdowns always have been primarily over government spending, but this one will be mostly over an ideological divide on immigration, with budget issues playing a secondary role.

That raises the risk that the partial government shutdown could be a long one and have more serious economic consequences than investors expect.

A number of Wall Street firms only expect the tax cuts to boost growth by about 0.3% this year. If that's right, then a shutdown would reverse most or all of the gain from tax cuts for as long as it continues."

That's just a summary. The whole article:

BTW, what happened to Trump's great negotiating skills? You know, The Art of the Deal guy?


"When you forget the past you are doomed to repeat it." - AckbartheHutt

Yes, government shutdowns are bad and you may have forgotten already but one happened in 2013 when Obama was President.

"$24 billion.

That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent."

Obamas (who is a Harvard educated constitution lawyer) lack of negotiating skills cost the American people $24 billion, yes thats $24 billion with a B. Obama ran his campaign on hope, change and transparency and apparently he forgot because it was in the past.

Here is an article explaining the whole fiasco in 2013. I realize its in the past but you can still read it.

Why did the Democrats and Obama let a shutdown happen? I thought they were working for the american people to make America a better place for all to live?


Trump in 2013 said:

“Well, if you say who gets fired it always has to be the top. I mean, problems start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the president’s the leader. And he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead... further down in history when they talk about the government shutdown, they’re going to be talking about the president of the United States, who the president was at that time. They’re not going to be talking about who was the head of the House, the head the Senate, who’s running things in Washington. So I really think the pressure is on the president. "

Why is Trump passing the buck now?

I remember the 2013 shutdown. Most Americans blamed the Republicans in polls. When they realized this, they backed off. Republicans were trying to defund ACA and Obama would have none of it. I believe it was admirable that he fought heartless and cruel Republican Tea Party extremists who would deny sick Americans healthcare.

The present situation is different. Both the Republicans and Democrats were successfully compromising a deal. It was Trump who turned it down after listening to a nut extremist Stephen Miller. Presently, both Republicans and Democrats appear to be ignoring the old coot so they can get some work done.


Libtards are so fucking stupid.


You need to come up with a better comment than that. Resorting to ad hominem lowers yourself to the level of the worst of your enemy (in this case, the neo-liberal 'SJW', who is incapable of crafting an intelligent argument and so resorts to non-stop name-calling).


Someone hasn't been paying attention.


So now you're attacking the messenger? Another logical fallacy. I'm rooting for conservatives since liberals want me dead and buried. But you all are going to have to do better when it comes to arguing.


That was an attack? At ease, snowflake.



You fucking robot!


From a liberal to a conservative I'd say you should save your breath. Snags can't be reasoned with and even constructive criticism like you tried to provide will be viewed as an attack by him. He blocked me a few weeks ago for explaining to him that Bill Clinton had never been convicted of a felony despite his insistence otherwise. Now to be clear, I wasn't trying to argue that Bill Clinton was a good person (I said several times throughout the conversation that I didn't particularly like Bill Clinton), just pointed out that legally he had never been convicted of a felony. Despite Snags calling me stupid, pathetic, and a libtard, I never once used a personal attack against him. Still he put me on ignore because he couldn't accept the basic truth that I had presented to him.


Tired of you're whining.

To ignore you go.


Haha See what I mean!


Nothing short of caving in to DACA would have avoided the shutdown. Thats totally a left demand that has nothing to do with the budget.


DACA wouldn't have been an issue if Trump hadn't rescinded it. That's why I'm giving him 90% of the blame.

BTW, most people including Republicans support DACA. Just create a bill instead of playing with people's lives and emotions.

Republicans worked feverishly to give themselves and their rich friends a large tax break. obviously, middle income people aren't a priority for them.


Not only that, but the repugs let CHIP expire just to try to blackmail the dems. Republicans are disgusting, soulless people!! Satan LOVES the republican party and their LIES!!!


"Republicans are disgusting, soulless people!!"

That's why they're going to face a major backlash in 2018 mid-terms. CHIP is specifically for children. What type of people attack children?


Yea that figures. Thats the democrat line when it comes to governmental shutdowns.

BTW, most people including Republicans support DACA.

True were against deporing people that have been here since they were 3 years old and probably don't speak a word of spanish or have ever been or seen mexica since then. But this demand for DACA to be a path to citizenship is a voting block grab. Why can't they just be permanent residents instead?


DACA had no path to citizenship when Trump on his own decided to rescind it. If voting for Democrats were the only issue then he would've left it alone.

Trump recently made a comment that he wanted only people from places like Norway to come to the U.S. Let's be truthful and say he wants people who are white to come and deport black and brown people. Racism is involved, also.

"But this demand for DACA to be a path to citizenship is a voting block grab."
The Republican party has actively been trying to take away the vote from Democratic leaning blacks, Hispanics, millennials through gerrymandering and ID cards (Republican local municipalities make it difficult for them to get the ID cards through roadblocks), fewer voting places in Democratic areas, etc.

Are you seriously going to deny people from voting because you don't like how they vote? That's not Democracy. BTW, the U.S. fought against taxation without representation.


"DACA had no path to citizenship when Trump on his own decided to rescind it. If voting for Democrats were the only issue then he would've left it alone."

Then why do I keep hearing path to citizenship being mention when ever DACA is mentioned.

"If voting for Democrats were the only issue then he would've left it alone."
Stop ignoring the fact that the bill passed the house and died in the senate cause of democrats. The meething with schumer was there for no other reason but to hold the bill hostage in the senate.

"The Republican party has actively been trying to take away the vote from Democratic leaning blacks, Hispanics, millennials through gerrymandering and ID cards (Republican local municipalities make it difficult for them to get the ID cards through roadblocks), fewer voting places in Democratic areas, etc."

OMG requiring ID cards are used to prevent fraud just like in the other transactions adults engage in every day. Only undocumented aliens or fraudsters would benifit from voting with out ID. Show us some evidence that republicans are making ID cards difficult to get. We all have ID already.


"Then why do I keep hearing path to citizenship being mention when ever DACA is mentioned."
DACA has "deferred action" from deportation and allows them to work. You're probably receiving a lot of misinformation from FOX.

From the US government website for DACA:
"Q68: Does deferred action provide me with a path to permanent resident status or citizenship?
A68: No. Deferred action is a form of prosecutorial discretion that does not confer lawful permanent resident status or a path to citizenship. Only the Congress, acting through its legislative authority, can confer these rights."

Voter ID as a Form of Voter Suppression


"From the US government website for DACA:
"Q68: Does deferred action provide me with a path to permanent resident status or citizenship?
A68: No. Deferred action is a form of prosecutorial discretion that does not confer lawful permanent resident status or a path to citizenship. Only the Congress, acting through its legislative authority, can confer these rights."";

DACA was an executive order by obama. Trump canceled it so now we are talking about imigration reform when reffering to DACA in the budget bill. The democrats aren't specifically talking about DACA they are reffering to overall imigration reform that will expand DACA from merly blocking depaortation and prosecution of these dream children to including granting them a path to citizenship.

"Voter ID as a Form of Voter Suppression"
Sorry but Its a load of crap that people can't be troubled to show their fucking ID when they go to vote.


I go back to your original statement:
""But this demand for DACA to be a path to citizenship is a voting block grab.""

To which I once again reply that Trump should have left DACA alone since it's not a path to citizenship therefore is not a "voting block grab".

You're very selective. How come you ignored the part about "The Republican party has actively been trying to take away the vote from Democratic leaning blacks, Hispanics, millennials through gerrymandering and ID cards (Republican local municipalities make it difficult for them to get the ID cards through roadblocks), fewer voting places in Democratic areas, etc."

How would you address voting suppression by the Republican Party which is the real issue?


You're very selective. How come you ignored the part about "The Republican party has actively been trying to take away the vote from Democratic leaning blacks, Hispanics, millennials through gerrymandering and ID cards (Republican local municipalities make it difficult for them to get the ID cards through roadblocks), fewer voting places in Democratic areas, etc."

Because you ramble alot and I typically only have time to respond to your comments near the top. You already know the board cuts long messages. And to be honest your just not that important so I don't bother refuting every single fart that comes out of your head.


"Are you seriously going to deny people from voting because you don't like how they vote? That's not Democracy. BTW, the U.S. fought against taxation without representation."

No I'm against dead people voting, illegal immigrants who don't contribute to our economy and only drain it and general criminals from voting. It's not our fault that the group of people I mentioned (Even the dead ones) tend to vote democrat for some reason. The question was never about how you should vote. The question is Should you be voting.

BTW I'm aware of America's history


Only 54.2% of Americans actually vote so the problem is a lack of desire to vote. You need to stop drinking the propaganda Kool-Aid from Fox and Breitbart. Are these your only "news sources"?

"Trump’s Pick to Run 2020 Census Has Defended Racial Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression Laws:
The deputy director of the Census Bureau has historically been a nonpartisan career civil servant. Brunell, a registered Republican, has no prior government experience and a deeply partisan background. He has testified or produced expert reports for Republicans in more than a dozen redistricting cases and has defended new voting restrictions passed by Republicans. His 2008 book, Redistricting and Representation: Why Competitive Elections Are Bad for America, argued that extreme partisan gerrymandering should be the norm because, he claimed, ultra-safe blue or red districts offered better representation for voters than competitive ones."

"I'm aware of America's history"
Then why do you want people to pay taxes without the right to vote?


[quote]Only 54.2% of Americans actually vote so the problem is a lack of desire to vote. You need to stop drinking the propaganda Kool-Aid from Fox and Breitbart. Are these your only "news sources"? [quote]
I don't use either as a news source. I'm tired of these assumptions people on the left just make.

"Then why do you want people to pay taxes without the right to vote?"
Because those same people are consuming resources from the country and if your reffering to illegal imigrants arn't supposed to be here. You do know that legal aliens (H1B Visas) for example pay taxes but can't vote yet they still come to this country.


I used to work in Immigration. I bet I know a lot more than you do on the subject.

Nope. I won't let you change the subject. Your comment:
"But this demand for DACA to be a path to citizenship is a voting block grab. Why can't they just be permanent residents instead?"

Once again, if citizenship is an issue, then Trump should've left DACA alone. You don't deny someone citizenship because they may not vote the way you like.

The assumption exists because you sound like a Fox and/or Breitbart soundbite.


tldr. not sure what you said. but I'm sure it included some kind of over generalization followed by a demand that I refute every minute detail you brought up and probably has a few assertions made about me or my policy or that probably isn;t true. Yet I don't feel like debating with the heckler throwing darts at reality hoping one will stick.
