How time flies! I don't know which is harder to grasp, that President Trump has been in office for one whole year or that he only has seven more to go! (Yes, yes, I know, he'll be impeached way before then, blah, blah, blah! Lol!). GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP!
First, Trump is chugging along, despite the unhinged Left's attempts to bring him down. The economy is doing well, and looks to be doing a lot better once the new tax code goes into effect. The stock market is soaring, like it's been doing since the day after the election (the market didn't even wait for the inauguration to begin celebrating.) Trump is pissing off liberals left and right, which means he's right on track.
Secondly, we got a conservative on the court to replace Scalia. That was BIG. Replacing him with a liberal would've been disastrous. Fucking DISASTROUS. Not only Scalia, but Ginsberg would've taken the opportunity to step down. Democrats wouldn't have to win another election if they could fill the court with jurists willing to write laws from the Judicial Branch.
And third, Hillary is nowhere near the White House. All praise whatever deity you worship.
Honestly Doggie I don't like calling people stupid. If you're speaking the truth then your argument will speak for itself and you shouldn't need to call names. Do as you wish but I suggest letting people call you a libtard until they're blue in the face and just stick to facts. When you do that, outsiders will see who is the bigger person. Just my two cents.
I understand what you're saying (and I usually follow your advice on other forums) but when T-rump calls his base 'uneducated' and refers to them as stupid....well, 'when in Rome...'
With only about 150 years of valid climatological observations for a planet that is 4 billion years old, how can you think that global warming and cooling is not just a normal function of planet Earth? The planet has heated and cooled many times without man being responsible. Climate change in normal.
Well I'm not a scientist which is why I tend to rely on expert opinions and when 99% or so seem to support the idea that man made global warming is real I pay attention. Here's the thing; I'm over 40 so most likely if global warming is real it's not going to make a difference to me personally and I'll be able to live out the rest of my days just fine. But I have nephews and other friends with children who I care about and it's the world we're leaving behind for them that scares me. If you have kids I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to err on the side of caution with this issue.
How would there be more beach front? If the sea levels were to rise the existing beach front would be underwater and beach front would just be what was once more inland. Less land doesn't necessarily mean more beach front. Again I'm no expert which is why I rely on actual scientists for stuff like this.
It would all depend on how much of the polarizing icecaps have melted,but I've seen models that show a huge increase in inland islands on all of the continents. I think it would add up fast. I don't think that's going to happen,do I'm not real worried. The supposed statistic of 97% of scientists agreement,is widely know as propaganda and deeply flawed in it's claim.
A huge increase of inland islands means less space in an increasingly overpopulated world though wouldn't it? I applaud your confidence that global warming is merely propaganda. I think you're wrong, but still admire your confidence.