MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Sens. Cotton and Perdue outed as liars

Sens. Cotton and Perdue outed as liars

First they said they couldn't recall whether T-rump referred to African nations and Haitit as 'shithole countries' when questioned after the meeting last week, even though neither T-rump nor the White House ever dismissed his remarks as being untrue.

But then Senators Perdue and Cotton got their memory back over the weekend and declared 'he never said anything like that'. They said Senator Durbin 'misinterpreted' what T-rump said, and called his integrity into question. Durbin never backed down.

However, after it was reported that T-rump called a few close friends and boasted about what he said and then asked for their opinions, the White House is now trying to say that T-rump actually said 'shithouses' ('cause that makes it sound more elegant?) the two idiot senators have now been outed as liars.

Said conservative host Joe Scarborough this morning:

“They were lying to their constituents, they were lying to the American people. They were lying to the press. All to cover up the fact that the President of the United States is a bigot. And the thing is, what are they lying about on Martin Luther King weekend? They’re lying about a bigoted president.””
