MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > T-rump picks inexperienced Taylor Weyene...

T-rump picks inexperienced Taylor Weyeneth as new drug czar

You just can't make this sh!t up, even though it reads like it's straight out of a Netflix comedy...

T-rump, who prides himself with choosing only the best of the best in his White House (2 guilty pleas and 4 indictments in the first 10 months, but who's counting?) has chosen a 24 year old inexperienced college student to be the druz czar, in charge of battling the nations opioid epidemic. You just can't make this up.

Over the weekend, T-rump chose Taylor Weyneth as the new deputy chief of staff for Office of National Drug Control Policy. Weyneth will be in charge of billions of dollars in spending to curb the opioid epidemic and fight illegal drug use.

What experience and qualifications does Weyneth have to fill this vital position? Aside campaigning for T-rump in 2016, nothing. Not even his three different resumes (which he fabricated) add up to any kind of worthy experience - not even organizing a golf tournament at his father's now defunct chia seed factory (closed abruptly when his father went to jail for processing illegal Chinese steroids in the plant) while a student at St. John's University.

According to his resume, he has an M.A. in political science from Fordham’s Center for Electoral Politics and Democracy. However, as of this weekend when he got the job as acting Drug Czar, he was still enrolled at the school and taking courses - no degree. His responsibilities in T-rump's campaign were considered "low-level-tasks" such as finding housing for for senior campaign officials" and "coordinating voter services".

So how does the White House explain their reasoning in hiring this inexperienced college student as ONDCP deputy chief of staff when opioid abuse is at an all-time high thjese days? Easy. They officially explained that Weyeneth was qualified to combat the nation's opioid epidemic because he once lost a relative to an overdose and was "moved" by the incident.

Seriously. You just can't make this up. And Rethuglicans approve!


It's better than my plan: build a tent city somewhere in the south west and put a wall around it. Provide three meals a day and fresh water. Give the inhabitants any and all drugs they want. Get them off the streets and let the rest of us live without these crack heads infesting society. Let them OD and rid the country of their pestilence if that's what they want. If they can pass a drug test for 6 months they can leave.

If T-rump came up with a drug that would end all addictions quickly and painlessly, you'd accuse him of depriving drug dealers of their livelihood and hurting Afghani poppy farmers..

And Rethuglicans approve!

Dude, light your bong and chill..


"It's better than my plan: build a tent city somewhere in the south west and put a wall around it. Provide three meals a day and fresh water. Give the inhabitants any and all drugs they want. Get them off the streets and let the rest of us live without these crack heads infesting society. Let them OD and rid the country of their pestilence if that's what they want. If they can pass a drug test for 6 months they can leave. "

You probably could challenge Weyeneth for the job as drug czar. At least you 'sound' like you have a plan, which would impress T-rump.
