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Should the left be allowed to get a tax cut?

I say Democrats shouldn’t get a tax cut, instead the money they should have gotten back should go to the people who voted for Trump, you know spread the wealth around. Once Democrats learn some respect then they can have their tax cut.


ah, so by that logic the right should not get health care, public schools, roads, police protection, the fire department ... etc? ok, deal.


The right isn't against taxes, we are against excessive taxes on the job creators and the people who actually work and we are against tax cuts for people who don't even work.

Epic fail dickhead.



The billionaires are already paying far more than anyone below them. Even if Trump gave only a tax cut to billionaires (which he isn't) and even if the billionaires did everything you said (which they don't) it would still be fair. People who pay taxes deserve a tax cut, people who don't do not deserve a tax cut.

And this is also irrelevant to the original topic. If Democrats can't show their President any respect then I don't see why he should do anything for them.



He's the greatest president since Ronald Reagan. The economy is finally recovering after 8 horrible years of the Buffoon in Chief Barack Obama, the stock market is soaring, people are getting off of food stamps and out of poverty and he just passed very substantial tax cut. Unfortunately though the Democrats would rather watch the country fail than have to admit they were wrong. They are a bunch of whiny crybaby losers and their actions are treasonous.

If you can't respect him then mail me your tax cut or give it to the wounded warrior program.



No the health care bill cost us trillions while all it did was increase premiums and booted people off their health insurance. I thought you could keep your health care plan if you liked it??? LOL our former Buffoon in Chief lied to us just like those CSPAN sessions.

The tax cuts are not going to cost us trillions, it will give job creators a chance to hire more people which will not only help them but it will help all of the Americans who have been out of work. We are already seeing the effects of this and it works.

The military is the biggest waste of money??? LOL so I guess you would have been OK with Adolf Hitler staying in power, it was our military that stopped him. Yeah show our brave men and women who put their lives on the line a little respect. They deserve our full support including the latest body armor. WOW you sure are an evil prick, you don't have sympathy for any of these brave soldiers who come back with no legs??? I should take you to Vietnam and put you in Hotel Hanoi, inside of 10 minutes you will poop your diaper and cry out to suck on your mothers tits again.

Get a job you stupid snowflake.



No no no, you are going to give a full apology, no excuses, no backtracking, you are going to give an honest, sincere apology and you are going to admit that you don't have what it takes to do what they do.



Or I am not going to dignify your pathetic excuse of an argument and therefore you are pissing your life away talking to me when you could be petitioning for transgender bathrooms you stupid snowflake



Yeah I'm still not giving a sh!t until you admit you were wrong and grossly offensive.



His posts are deleted now. I wonder what he said.


I suggested that if he can't be respectful then he should just give his tax cut to the wounded warrior program and he then said that he didn't have any sympathy for a soldier that came back from the war missing body parts.


Since you don't seem to have the courage to take this any further let me end this by saying you are a complete coward and I hope one day you end up in a car wreck and then have to amputate your legs and quite honestly I won't have a whole lot of sympathy for you.


"affordable health care is taken away"

My affordable health care was taken away by Obamacare. Soaring premiums, with deductibles so high I may as well not have insurance.


Did you see what this clown said about our military? He doesn't pity people who come back from the battlefield injured. I would so love to see him try to do their job and watch him piss and sh!t himself.


He also seems to struggle with basic math. 25% of 30,000 is only $7,500, 25% of 5 million is 1.25 million. He seems to think that under a flat tax the poor would still pay the same amount as the rich. I guess they stopped teaching math to retards.


The left also has a lot of nerve by insinuating that the rich are somehow greedy for wanting to keep money that they earned. What a selfish, entitled attitude (wah, wah, wah that's MY money, boo hoo, I need a diaper change, wah).



It's a pretty stupid argument to make that the system is rigged to benefit the rich when they pay more in taxes than you do. Sure they get to keep more, it's their money.

A person making 30,000 a year being taxed at 25% is hurt the same as someone making 5 million a year being taxed at 25%. The millionaire still pays more yet proportionally they are even. The 30,000 person pays 7,500 while the 5 million person pays 1.25 million.

Go get a job snowflake.



No, no, no. First and foremost you are going to apologize for insulting our military. Then we can discuss your insane socialist propaganda. I should chop your legs off and see how well you like it.

If you had to spend 10 minutes on the battlefield you would be crying for your mommy you pathetic snowflake.



pussy. It's really easy to make those comments when you are hiding behind your computer screen like a coward.


It's not just that the top 20% pay 95% of federal income taxes. And the fact that many who pay no taxes at all are getting tax refunds. But on top of all that, we have to put up with liberals constantly whining about how the rich aren't paying their 'fair share'.


The left is made up of a bunch of spoiled, entitled brats. They think that if you work hard and you are successful that you have to pull the weight of everyone else who chooses to sit home on their fat asses and smoke pot. Otto needs to just go stay in his cry room where he belongs and let the mature adults handle everything.



How are you not getting this, we are not going there until you make a real apology for insulting men and women who risk their lives to keep your sorry ass safe. You will respect them and you will appreciate them. If you don't like the war you have a beef with the government not the soldiers. Again maybe I should make you step on a landmine and we'll see how well you like it,then I'll say I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for you.



Make a full apologize for insulting the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to keep your sorry ass safe you pathetic snowflake.



You're beef is with the government, not the soldiers yet you insulted the soldiers. You could not even make it through basic training you diaper wearing pussy.



Oh no I am holding my own and I am standing on principle. You are the one who insults the people who keep your pathetic ass safe while hiding behind a computer screen.

If you aren't going to apologize you'd might as well leave the internet and start petitioning for transgender bathrooms because we are not moving forward until you give a real apology (with no excuses or insults)


And the fact that many who pay no taxes at all are getting tax refunds.

Thats the part I don't get. I get taxed about 19K a year to FICA and if I hope to get any back at the end of the year it will come out of that 19K. How on earth do people that don't pay Taxes get anything back? Do they pay out of their welfare checks and get the money they payed at the end of the year?


In the words of Barack Obama "what do you think a stimulus is" translation: wealth redistribution


I'm trying to understand the whole you get a 40% refund of nothing some how equaling 9,000 dollars. A refund usually means I gave you too much so you give me some back. How do you get a refund from nothing? Are we really talking about Tax refunds or something else.


It's liberal logic of course it doesn't make sense.


Ah, but remember the Lefties in Blue States with insanely high state taxes (California, New York, Illinois etc.) will get less
of a tax cut since their state taxes will no longer be tax deductible. They will be lifted on their own tax, spend and borrow petard!



OMG Otto just deleted all of his comments, didn't even have the courage to stand by his already cowardly statements. LOL


A definite pussy!



Guess he ran back to his cry room for a diaper change.


I didn't even get a chance to see what he said.


He's your typical snowflake pussy, you aren't missing much.


He has only 3 registered posts so I'm thinking he's a sock accounnt.




I always said that its so easy for democrates to be "compassionate" with other people money, but never their own. Hence the tax brackets and whining about unfair tax cuts that favor the wealthy.


Those Democratic states like New York and California subsidize the freeloading red states. People in red states should be showing plenty of gratitude to the blue states for supporting their lazy backsides instead of making inane comments about tax cuts.

BTW, the biggest freeloader of them all is South Carolina. The runner-ups are North Dakota, Florida, Louisiana and Alabama. There are thirteen mainly blue states supporting the entire country.

This graph shows how much of a freeloader your red state is:


Wrong. The left should be taxed the amount they love taxing the filthy rich. So tax Hollywood by 35%+ or more or as the liberal college goers say, tax them 90%.


The left actually abide by their own standards? Dude you are living in a fantasy world.
