MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Top 10 Shitholes Nobody Wants to Visit

Top 10 Shitholes Nobody Wants to Visit

Everyone knows shit-holes exist. Lefties are shit-hole deniers!

Unnamed sources are once again claiming president Trump said outrageous things, including calling Haiti and parts of Africa "shi*holes." No one is sure this actually happened, but it sounds true, so the Washington Post ran with it. But it brings up an interesting point. Are we allowed to point out that there are places in the world that are not ideal, or are we pretending all countries are equal? This seems demonstrably ridiculous, yet the left is acting super-offended at the suggestion that some countries are shi*hole-ish.



I honestly can't even believe that society has become so far removed from reality that this is now some controversial fact to reiterate. If anyone called these countries shitholes 20 years ago, people would be saying "duh, yeah? so?". Are we really so stupid as a society now that we are ACTUALLY having to pretend the naked emperor is wearing his robe? Unbelievable.

And it's not even the people that are pissed off that the president said it. If you're one of the people that know these countries are shitholes but think the president should have shown a modicum of diplomacy and grace in the words he chose, fine. I get it. He's brash and holds no bones about it, but what I can't wrap my head around, is the people that ACTUALLY THINK, that these countries aren't shitholes. Like they truly believe that all countries are equal and all cultures are equal and all social norms are equal and that they should all be treated with the same level of respect.

How in the living FUCK do THOSE people see what goes on in these countries, these countries that are all rock bottom in the human prosperity index, and think "yeah that's totally like what happens in Duluth Minnesota or Vancouver BC"? I mean have we gone mad?! Have we lost our collective minds?!


They left out Chicago.

BTW I can vouch for the shit hole status of India, Kenya and Tanzania, since I've been there.
Nepal a pit too.



The Onion shows how a libtard and citizen see Nigeria.

Nigeria May Be A Developing Nation, But It Is Rich In Culture VS Get Me Out Of This Godforsaken Hellhole
