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Liar! Liar! 1,950 makes T-rump the King of Lies for 2017

According to research done by The Washington Post, Donald T-rump has publicly lied 1,950 times during his first 347 days in Office.

In his December 28th impromptu 30 minute NY TIMES interview, independent professional political fact checkers combed through the transcripts of that interview, and found he told a lie (on average) every 75 seconds during the interview. As TIME Magazine points out:

"Those were actual, verifiable claims which professional fact checkers investigated and found to be untrue."

So far, independent fact checkers, did a fact-check on 483 random public statements made by T-rump since taking the Oval Office, and found 69% to be 'totally false'.

Independent rival also gave the award for 'most public lies told' to T-rump as well for the year ending on December 31, 2017. Said the organization:

"In his first year as president, Trump used his bully pulpit and Twitter account to fuel conspiracy theories, level unsubstantiated accusations and issue easily debunked boasts about his accomplishments."

As Kellyanne Conway likes to call it - these are not lies, but 'alternate facts' he likes to tell. And his followers believe every word.


That didn't take long - nine days later and he hits the 2,000 milestone. Yes, less than a year in the Office and he's lied in public 2,000 times. Be proud Rethuglicans!
