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Who forgot to shred those notes by Reince Priebus ?

Former T-rump chief-of-staff Reince Priebus has handed over his hand-written notes to Special Investigator Robe Mueller which he took while serving under the Big Cheeto. Looks like Priebus wrote in detail how T-rump talked to Priebus about urging Comey to "publicly say" he was "not under investigation". Ahhhh....who forgot to shred these notes by Priebus? Looks like T-rump has some 'splaining to do about his attempt at obstruction of justice.


Looks like Priebus is flying under T-rump's radar for now, as T-rump is using his ammunition on Bannon.

Doesn't get any better than this, folks.


So, urging someone to publicly say he's not under investigation is now obstruction of justice?

Wow. You libtards have gone off the deep end.

If Comey admitted under oath that he privately told Trump three times that he wasn't under investigation, why would Trump asking him to say it publicly be obstruction of justice?

You're unhinged and stupid.


Wait, you spelled Trump "T-rump" on purpose because it has "rump" in it, as in "butt"? Very clever. I can't imagine why the Democrats lost the election with this kind of razor wit coursing through the veins of it's followers.


yeah, that's gotta be it. i have never read "killary" or "obummer" or something similarily stupid lately, right? or libtard .. or or or.

anyway, it's childish from both sides of the spectrum.


I don't disagree with that. Some people seem to do it with greater redundancy,but yes, it looks silly from both sides. I don't think libtard is exactly the same,as it isn't generally attacking a specific person as much as a mindset, but I absolutely get your point. I for one have always respected the office of the Presidency, even if I didn't like the person in the White House.


it's the same moronic, indoctrinated behavioral pattern. doesn't matter if it is libtard, reptard, SJW...etc. all excuses not to form an own opinion. lazy as well.

"I for one have always respected the office of the Presidency, even if I didn't like the person in the White House."

that's where i have to disagree. it all depends on the person, even though i don't have to neccessarily have to agree with their viewpoint. i would have respected mccain as a president, even though we most likely would not agree on anything, while for example i could have never respected romney, rand paul, carson or ryan. i have respected bush senior and i liked jr as a person, but could not respect the latter as a president. etc etc


I'm glad you respect the Office of the Presidency because your guy T-rump certainly does not.

Speaking of which, your guy deserves to be called T-rump since he loves to throw his own nicknames out such as: "Pocahantas", "Crooked Hillary", "Sloppy Steven", "Lil Marco", etc. when referring to others. What's good for the goose...


So you agree that he's fine doing it,or that you're also an asshat for doing it yourself?


I'll make myself clearer for you:

I refer to him in public on this forum the way he refers to others in public on social media, interviews, conferences, debates, etc. Take from it what you will - either we're both fine doing it, or we're both asshats for doing it.

What's your pleasure? Either one is fine with me.
