Message From Trump!
shareMan he read that sh!t like a real pro...I almost believed he believed that's a statesman!
What is is it .. "Make America Great Again"?
So when was America great? Obama? Apparently not.
Dubya? Obviously not. Don't get me started.
Bill? Hey, at least he kept the corrupt repubs from getting a better foothold. Good on him !
Reagan? I think he already had dementia when he took office, so he was a tool for all the de-regulation and union-busting that has led to the poverty we see today. People want to work and be productive, but our society doesn't want to help these people. They'd rather force them into poverty and then ridicule them for not achieving more. It's so sad and disgusting.
He's focusing really hard on that teleprompter.
sharewhere da klownz at?
sharethe man is larger than life, 6 foot 2 & change, reaching down to help the little guy like you and yours, a charitable man of God