MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > I hope he nukes North Korea

I hope he nukes North Korea

The world needs a nuclear war. It is obscene that so many billions of dollars are globally being spent on nuclear weapons but no one has had the balls to use one since 1945.


that's deep never though about it that way.
Even stopping the production of nuclear warheads wouldn't be enough because of all the ones that have already been made. A nuclear war is the only way to attain maximum efficiency.


Sad to see all these nuclear weapons being wasted. We should drop a few in the Middle East and Russia while we are at it. If we drop some in Africa that will surely end their AIDs epidemic.

Maybe we should drop a few in West Virginia so that there are fewer unemployed coal workers. It would reduce the country's unemployment rate for sure.


Maybe we should drop a few in West Virginia so that there are fewer unemployed coal workers. It would reduce the country's unemployment rate for sure.


The radiation would just infect your food and water supply and you and your kids would just get cancer. Without anymore ACA medical insurance you would all die quickly enough. What goes around comes around.


I am 1000% sure it was a sarcastic joke. Disturbing that you took it so seriously.


Fake science! Taking out N Korea military would release less radiation than Chernobyl, which killed under a thousand.


I'm not itching for war.


North Korea has friends like China and Russia with plenty of nuclear weapons and their own armies to retaliate. They've been doing good business with North Korea for years and helping North Korea to thrive. There is a growing middle-class and rich with more people driving BMWs and Mercedes in NK. Most people run private businesses along with their government jobs for extra cash. Capitalism is growing.

Also, NK has soldiers a stone's throw away from Seoul. Not sure you can attack NK without harming SK.

NK only restarted their nukes program after big-mouth Bush called them a part of the axis of evil along with Iraq. You know, the country the U.S. invaded. NK wants a deterrent against such an invasion.

Realistically, not much Trump can do which is why he keeps whining to China and Russia to do something. BTW, that makes him sound wimpy.

Trump loves dictators like Putin, Erdoğan and the Saudi royal family. He can learn to love Kim Jong-un too and get a hotel out of it. Just send in Rodman.

"...which killed under a thousand."
Fake statistic.


Your whole post is fake. N Korea has no friends except Iran and Venezuelan.


I notice that you haven't backed up your statement with any sources.

Trump has repeatedly asked China and Russia to help influence North Korea. First, Trump is weak. Second, those two countries have strong financial ties with North Korea which Trump had already brought up since he believes they are enabling Jong-un financially.

"China has traditionally been North Korea’s closest ally...North Korea shares a narrow north-easternly border with Russia, and the two nations have been close allies since the Cold War...."

There are many good objective documentaries and books about North Korea. You may want to start educating yourself.

Trump won't do anything to North Korea unless Putin gives him permission, anyway. It's very obvious Trump is being blackmailed by Putin. Putin kicks out Americans and Trump licks his shoes.


Nukes are coming before the end of the week,


It would be interesting to drop an old one and it just didn't work anymore, hits the ground and breaks. I wonder if they have a Use By date....


As of 2006 the US department of energy said they were good...last time info was made available as far as I can see.


there to many people on this planet or some should go to mars and have cities there.


What would we do without trolls like the OP??? Sad but true. We need a nuclear war? Get real a*hole.


the world is long overdue for a major war. but North Korea vs US is not happening, Kim wants to stay in power no matter what and Trump for all his talk is not crazy enough to start a Nuclear War.


But what if Trump is crazy enough to start a Nuclear War? What if he's crazy?


then tens of millions of people will die.


I agree, we should reduce the global population 70-75% by dropping nuke everywhere. specialy on my home South-east asia. Our population problem is overwhelming. If we can't control it this earlier, in future people starting to eat each other cause of scarcity of food/resources. Nukeing is the best solution, because it's lot of easier than hunting down every sperm-producing grown man and cutting their balls.
Americans are visionary, they choose Trump he has courage nukeing. Thats why I support him from the beginning.
