

Trump wont be a Quitter he will be a Finisher



He needs to step down for the good of the country.


It's so hilariously ironic that Trump supporters now want celebrities to shut up about politics, like you guys elected a celebrity as president for crying out loud. I mean, were people not aware of who Donald Trump was before he got into politics?


People said Bush was an idiot but at least he had the intelligence to realise he didn't know it all whereas Trump is convinced he does know it all and refuses to listen to those who know more than him.. I believe that will be dangerous! As for him trying to shut the media up, I think it's very ironic considering his whole platform was freedom of speech and anti political correctness.. or does that only apply when it's him talking?


Yeah, it was always "freeze peach for me, and none for thee" with these guys. The same people who complained about "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings" in colleges get so pissy when people criticize Trump. Hell, Trump sued both Bill Maher and the Onion over jokes they made about him in 2013, yet I never heard a peep about this from the "anti-PC" crowd.


I've never known a politician as sensitive as Trump! With all he said about Obama too he clearly can't take what he gives


celebrities are people same as you or me, of course they should speak up

i think what turns Donald's stomach is when they are selectively outraged

take jessica chastain for example she condemns what brando did on set last tango in paris but she attends the premieres of woody allen movies ?????
