MovieChat Forums > Daniel Sunjata Discussion > How much free time does LessThanZero87 h...

How much free time does LessThanZero87 have when he's not talking about Sunjata or Pwinty?

Less than zero.


Probably the same amount of time you have when your responding & making threads about LTZ!! Now, what exactly does that say about you? Hmm, sounds, like your deflecting to me...just saying!!


We all know you're LessThanZero87.

Also, you/LessThanZero87 have made way more posts about Pwinty/Sunjata than I've made about it.


Lol! But, you have responded enough to make your own posts! We’ve already been down that road about identities, so I’m not wasting any more time on it. Lol!


@sam I am no more of LTZ than you are of Daniel. Unless, you really are Daniel: which in that case it does not make a difference because I still am no LTZ. It is absolutely possible for strangers to have similar beliefs, as people often share common values and perspectives.


Lol! It’s really silly that can’t see the difference in the way our brains work when it comes to writing. You have a whole other style than me. It’s nothing similar to the way we put ideas down on paper.


No cap!! It's like they can't get enough of you so they resort believing that there is more than one of you posting in the threads. It's almost as if they can't get their daily fix of LTZ : thus is why they can't accept that Rhemo is her own person.


Lol! No Cap! They can’t get enough but too shy to admit. We’re two different people and it shows in the writing style! Lol


IKR!! I'm more passive aggressive with a little bit of humor mixed in. I try not to be too obvious about my annoyance, instead I like to let the humor carry the weight of my message.

They know that they enjoy post but are hesitant to publicly show their appreciation by liking, commenting, or following you due to their shyness or fear of judgment from others.


Lol! The funniest part is when they create new posts! See, Daniel people are waking up to the knowledge of dating a Trans! This is how they show it. Lol!


That part right there!! Why go to all the trouble to create threads of your own if you are truly sick of reading about Pwinty & Daniel? They might be using the conversation as a way to get attention or validation from others, even if the topic is not particularly meaningful to them. People might participate in a discussion even if they don't fully care about the topic just to be part of the conversation flow. This seems like the case for many of these posters.


Lol! My thing is this: at least be honest about it. Lol! They love hearing about Daniel rescuing an ex-prostitute who’s also a Trans. Lol! Some might even say Daniel saved Pwinty’s life by getting him out of the trade. Lol!


@samonjoes Whether you created the post or respond to it you are still participating. I meaning Rhemo has never created a thread about ANYONE on this site. Have I responded yes same as you have. This is not a competition so why are you keeping count?? You are the one creating threads about LTZ so who is really obsessed with who? For you to be creating threads about her ;leads me to believe she lives rent free in your head...js.


Lol! Samoanjoes is creating posts but says I’m a nuance. If I’m such a nuance, then visiting here is contradictory. It’s like all of them need to make up their minds and stick with it. Lol!


They can't make up there minds about how they feel about you. It's like they love to hate you and can't help but respond to your comments. They have a complex feeling towards you. They experience both negative and positive emotions towards you, even if the negative feelings are dominant.


Lol! Not only that, they’ve created posts on this thread. Creating new posts say a lot about them as it does me. I guess I’m not the only one obsessed ;-) Lol!


It takes one to know one. We all log on to sites like LSA & Moviechat because we like the tea!! We are all a little messy on here so I don't understand the personal attacks.


Lol! They’re in their feelings about Pwinty and Daniel. Lol! They claim Pwinty and Daniel don’t read the boards, so why go hard for them…Lol!


They go so hard because they know the opposite is true. They know it too be true because a few of those posters "going so hard" is Daniel using one of his numerous fake accounts. So, not only does Daniel & Pwinty read these post: they actually reply back!! They have both "graced" us with their presence countless times on Moviechat & LSA!!


Lol! I know when it’s Daniel. Lol! It gets too personal for Daniel! I just can’t fathom why I’m to be blamed. Wasn’t it Daniel that started parading that thing on the Red Carpet and expecting the world to believe it’s a female? Nah, bro! Be mad at yourself and not the messenger. Lol!


My posts wouldn’t even exist if they didn’t keep entertaining me. Others have moved on except for quite a few. I believe Daniel Sunjata has multiple identities on here. Lol!


Bullshit. You've started posts that have had zero replies. We're sick of see I g them trending and even if you're blocked it'll still appear as trending.


Lol! Babe, you still don’t have to respond, so that’s the real “Bullshit”. Just be honest, you like coming over dropping a few lines. Not only that, if you were so stressed about it, you wouldn’t go out of your way to create new posts. It tells me you enjoy the intrigue but just worrying what others might think. No Cap! I wouldn’t think any less of you if you kept right on posting! I like it! Lol!


Lol! Probably the same amount of leisure time Daniel Sunjata has snorting a line of coke and drinking several bottles of wine. Lol!

Hmm..How much time do you consider you may have wasted responding to my many posts? It’s not that I’m bothered by it, because if it wasn’t for you guys, who would I have to entertain and engage? Keep it coming. Lol! I love the fact when you all come up with your own posts, too. More to come…Lol!


@LTZ You forgot the ice with the know that's how he likes his wine according to With his old ass!!


Lol! I wonder if Daniel had a glass last night with a couple of cubes in it…Lol!


You know it!! Most definitely Daniel has one every time he logs on too Moviechat & LSA ; while reading the latest tea spilled about Pwinty & himself. Since production has not began on High Potential you know he is sipping on that wine daily. It isn't like he has another gig to report to...js.


Lol! You failed to mention the wine is more than likely accompanied by coke. Lol! If production hasn’t started yet, you know Daniel is checking those text messages from the studio while salivating. Lol! In the meantime, isn’t In & Out Burger hiring in West Hollywood? Asking for Pwinty…Lol!


@samoanjoes…Lol! “Less Than Zero, 87”!!! Lol!
