He was amazeing in Pillowman... and he is also a very nice person... If you don't know what he played in Pillowman he played Michael (yes his char. was Michael too) Billy Crudup's char. mentaly handiecaped brother...
I know from haveing worked on (from the costumer/crew point of view) a show about a lot of mentaly handiecaped people that acting as a mental handiecapped person is very tireing... it hurts you physical and voicaly... it also takes the engry right out of you.. but Michael did it wonderfully... truely beautfuly... he is a amazeing actor...
he is one of those actors that you just have to watch when he is on the stage.. and the hard part about seeing the Pillowman is not wanting to stop watching the two leads... Michael and Billy are both amazeing and you want to watch both of them all the time... they both command your attion...
So see the Pillowman quickly before it closes on Sept. 18th