

If she wants to look like shit. I'm OK with that.

Plenty of HOT women in the world without her being one of them.


Tim: define looking like shit, if you please.

Ugh. What a misogynistic comment. You really are against women, aren’t you?


And it’s pretty much all that matters in a woman is being HOT, right, mr Tim??

No one needs to bother to conceive, bear the children, nurse the children, raise the children, love the children..

Women are really just here to be HOT -(in trans land anyway),

and mr Tim deems this or that piece of meat HOT OR NOT, and there are “Plenty of HOT women in the world without her being one of them”

What misogynistic garbage.

How HOT are you, mr Tim?? Oh I’ll bet those guys at the gym drool all over you, especially the men who have no penises.

Edit: I confused one Tim misogynist for another; one is the gay guy from the 70’s and the other is the other one who may or may not be gay but who cares. Definitely both men and definitely both misogynists.


That’s tomboyish???


The picture I linked to was from before she ruined her looks.


“ The picture I linked to was from before she ruined her looks.”
Congratulations -ElSofoque!

You are officially a MISOGYNIST!
🥳 🥳 Well done!!!


Charlotte, no offense, but you've gotta ease up with this "MISOGYNIST, MISOGYNIST" crap. It's cliched and one-dimensional. Expand your vocabulary and your mind beyond "Misogyny is the cause of all evils in the world throughout history!!!"


Ok, no offence Mrs. Wuchak, but you need to ease up on telling people what they need to ease up on.

Whoo! Hoo! Whuchak!

dzień dobry!! :)


She's into girls now and I think she plays the Dom/Butch to her lipstick Lover.

I agree that back in 2005 - 2014 she could really look hot.

I liked her when she had long light hair


What was the best you ever looked bourbonking?

When your waist was a slim 50”?


I'm a cross between Zach Ephron and David Carinvale.

I couldn't achieve a waist size of 34" to save my life and I can eat like a bull too.


I'm a cross between Zach Ephron and David Carinvale.

I couldn't achieve a waist size of 34" to save my life and I can eat like a bull too.

I hope the quoting worked. Sheesh! That’s a lot of work just to quote. On other sites all you have to do is hit a quote button.

Ok, whatevs..

That didn’t make sense to me. You’re saying you couldn’t have a slim waist and yet you can eat a lot??

Is that what you’re saying??


At least she had a prime.


What was your prime wuchak? Haha!

I shudder to think.




She looked her best in “Into the Wild,” but only in that girl next door kind of way.


She should grow her hair long again if she wants to have success. She still looks amazing with long hair,like Charlie's Angels proved. With the tomboy look sadly she risks to be too much typecasted.




She’s all made up and fake there.

She doesnt have much to offer.
