JoBlo's review for 'Seberg'
I just read a rather interesting review for Seberg, a film which opens Friday.
(I have serious doubts that it will open anywhere near me.)
The film gets a 5/10 rating because of its flaws, none of which are associated with Kristen's performance.
Click away for the entire review ...
Rather than emphasize the cost to Seberg and her career, the odd choice is made to frame this through the eyes of a conscience-stricken FBI agent, a person who never existed. This is the strangest choice for a biopic since they decided to make Bruce Lee a side-character in The Birth of the Dragon. As such this is a frustrating film. When it focuses on Seberg, it is fairly compelling but it grinds to a halt every time we're asked to sympathize with Jack O'Connell's nice guy character.
Even still, Seberg, as flawed as it is, is still worth watching for Stewart's spot-on performance in the lead.
While I'm certain everyone involved with Seberg, from director Benedict Andrews on down probably intended this to pay tribute to an unfairly ignored but important figure from Hollywood history, she's done a disservice by not being allowed to dominate the movie named in her honor. There was no real need for a character like O'Connell to be the audience surrogate, as Stewart's good enough you'll empathize with her more than enough to be effective. In the end, this is a frustrating missed opportunity although it tells a worthwhile story.
So, the reviewer complains that the film should focus more on the character the film was named after, eh?
Problem is, the original title of the film was not Seberg, it was Against All Enemies.
That original title, in my opinion, makes it seem that the focus of the story was on the FBI's COINTELPRO team.
Anyway, it's too bad that the flaws in the film seem to draw some attention away from Kristen's once again, excellent performance.
None the less, I still hope that I will still be able to see it on the big screen, although as I stated earlier, I have serious doubts that will be the case.
P.S. I also read an article regarding Golden Globe nomination snubs titled,
Shocking Golden Globe film snubs:
Robert De Niro, Adam Sandler miss out,
female writers/directors almost entirely shut out
Kristen was included in the "NOT Best Film Drama Actress" category, along with ...
Helen Mirren, Elisabeth Moss, Lupita Nyong'o and Alfrie Woodard.
Pretty good company it you ask me.
You can read the article here ...
Other categories include, NOT Best Film Drama, NOT Best Film Drama Actor, NOT Best Director, etc., etc., etc. share