I agree with your general tenor, but the data we get about China is of two varieties, and neither have much credibility to me - American propaganda, and Chinese propaganda.
The thing I dislike about China is the Chinese and their money coming to the US and playing united games against Americans, the economy and the country. There are long time citizens from China and other Asian countries that are good American citizens and part of our culture, but when you look at what China does in the world, they are as universally disliked as the European colonizers they supposedly are against.
They function as parasites inside our economy and often spies. I know that every country spies on every other country, but China is a kind of special case in that inside China they are very strict and repressive and racially monolithic. They are all about China and the Chinese with a provincial attitude of superiority forged by how terribly bad they have done in the modern age.
I am glad they are overcoming past adversity, as they should, but they are certainly a threat to the US and the West, as well as a warning, and maybe even a model, as these days the Chinese government has really delivered for their people. Did you know the new Chinese middle class is larger than the whole population of the US?
At the very least it is something we need to think about, talk about, and decide about.