MovieChat Forums > Abigail Spencer Discussion > Are those nude selfies real?

Are those nude selfies real?

I did a net search -purely for academic purposes, of course - and she has some very frisky nude pics out there that make Scarjo's look prudish: arched against a window, from crotch angle, etc. They don't look like the usual 'head photoshopped on naked bodies' stuff either. Pretty saucy, Ms. Spencer.


There are videos of it too


Labeled as The Fappening


Yes, it's from her hacked photos...


How embarrassing.


Dude there is an entire video of her frigging herself


How embarrassing

It shouldn't be. THEY should not be.

Stuff like that in most other countries besides puritanical USA is considered normal and healthy. The ONLY thing that they should be embarrassed about is having a record of the photos and getting busted. Even Polaroids can be leaked.

If you never want nude photos of yourself or videos posted on the internet, then NEVER take any...ever. Only the young, and/or the stupid got caught with their pants down. Pun intended.

If you get busted, embrace the publicity. Own up and be proud you dont have an ugly fat body. ONLY Hope Solo should be embarrassed for her toothless hagfish. Every other photo I came across was epic and complimentary. NO careers were hurt. Even of Disney teens. They all GAINED popularity and reaped financial rewards in the long run.

Some celebs have been know to "leak" their own nude photos or sex tapes to boost publicity.


There are FOUR videos, actually. Let's face it: whether they're willing to admit it or not, nearly everyone under 40 pleasures themselves these days (in Western culture, anyway). While I question performing such a private and intimate act in front of any sort of recording device - especially if you're a celebrity - to each their own. Abigail probably made the best choice to not even acknowledge the leaked content, and it certainly hasn't hurt her career... though, for better or worse, it will likely be hard for many people to ever see her in the same light again.


Who cares? Americans are so prude...glad I was raised by Europeans and I'm not a Puritan.
