Somewhere in between. His movies are big-budget, visually beautiful, and have big settings and all, but there's always something missing. "Nothing special" are the best words.
The best example I could give would be Justice League theatrical cut vs Snyder cut. The theatrical cut has a few scenes that stand out, and all of them are there because Joss Whedon. The Snyder cut had none of those, had no scene that stood really out or is worth remembering. It was more like a 4-hour music video.
In his latest movie, Army of Darkness, many things just didn't make sense (robot zombies are just one of them).
Even with Man of Steel, which I actually really like, in the end, you get the feeling that Earth would have been better off if baby Kal-El's pod would have never made it to Earth.
I don't think his movies are bad, but they certainly aren't special or outstanding.