MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder Discussion > I rewatched mos bvs and watchmen for 100...

I rewatched mos bvs and watchmen for 1000+ time

And realized why I love this man he is genious talented and the greatest director in this earth love you Snyder love you forever πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜


yeh , so good that WB fired him, and there is no Snyder cut, it simply doesn't exist


And realized why I love this man he is genious talented and the greatest director in this earth love you Snyder love you forever πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

^^^Man, It must suck to be you then, I can not imagine Loving A Man that Much and Having to watch him FAIL Worse than any director in Hollywood history!

I can't imagine Knowing Zack Snyder will forever be remember has the Man who killed the DCEU?

It Has to kill you that His 3 DCEU films are universally considered among the worst and most disappointing CBM's of all time?

You Must Be angry every day that Snyder Never Got to Make the films he wanted as WB wildly interfered in The Post Productions of all his films because they had NO FAITH in him or his awful movies

You be tortured that Snyder in the span of 2 years went from Godfather, SOLE BoSS of the DCEU....To DEMOTED after BvS and Then Completely fired after WB saw the first cut of JL....

The Pain You must feel from Knowing that Snyder Shit the bed so bad with BvS....WB literally canceled an entire JL film, JL was greenlit,announced and had release dates to be a 2 parter...within 2 weeks of BvS's release, Snyder had been demoted, and WB forced Snyder to turn JL into Just 1 film instead of the always planned 2 parter?

you must have Deep Jealousy that the LONE successful DCEU film Wonder Woman, Looks, feels and was nothing LIKE SNYDER disastrous Dark,depressing and colorless DCEU films?

it much haunt you that You'll never get to see the one film you were probably looking forward to most? A Snyder directed Justice League film....Instead you saw A Frankenstein Monster of a film that was reshot, rewrote and heavily edited under the control of Whedon and WB...

You must cry every day that Snyder Will always be looked at the Man responsible for Ruining a Once in A life film in BvS, A film fans had been waiting thier hole lives for?

Snyder's Legacy is secure now that He'll Will forever be remembered for the Biggest Creative Failure in CBM history in "Martha!"....A scene that Will be Mocked and Laughed at 50 years from now!

Bottom Line.......

somehow, The Man you love most in Life.....Brings you nothing but Shame,Pain and Embarrassment.....

Its almost like you enjoy Misery, and Intentionally Picked to Love The Person who could torture you most...

Simply Put, There have been worse directors in Hollywood....But No Director in The Hollywood history have failed on the Scale Snyder failed with His 3 DCEU films...

No director suffered more Studio inference, More Embarrassment, and Ultimately A More Embarrassing Departure by first Being to demoted, losing all control of His filming making decisions, Being forced to Make cuts and decisions he didnt want and Then Finally being FIRED once he showed His Latest SHITSHOW to WB in A first cut...

No director in History Damaged Characters and Properties worse than Snyder did with his 3 DCEU films....

basically.....To love Snyder....Is to Except you'll never know happiness again



PS this is not an exaggeration, when I read this I literally felt sorry for you....

for you to actually Be in this state of A delusional reality is absolutely SAD....

for you to even have a 1% hope that a Snyder cut will ever be released suggests you either are completely BROKEN and live in a delusional state....

Or it suggests you are extremely dumb and dont understand How movies are made....

If there is a Snyder cut, Its WB property, Locked away in their all accounts It needs between 60 to 100 Million dollars in Special effects work to be completed....

Theres is a MINUS 1BILLION % chance WB would ever Spend Another cent on JL let alone 60 to 100 Million on A Snyder cut they deemed was "Unwatchable" so awful, they immediately fired Snyder upon watching it and spent another 50 M+ reshooting the movie to try and fix it....

WB Lost at least 60 Million dollars on JL....for you to believe they would put Another 60 to 100 Million into A Snyder cut is simply either the delusional ramblings on A deeply BROKEN man or you are just Dumb and dont understand the Impossibilities of what your suggesting...

either way, I just feel sorry for you...Its SAD you you actually have HOPE for something theres truly has no chance of ever happening...


All that time wasted NOT reading a book or improving yourself....sigh
