MovieChat Forums > Jussie Smollett Discussion > Hate Crimes in Trump's America

Hate Crimes in Trump's America


Good compilation, had no idea there were so many.


Far from all of them,sad to say.


These are all FAKE hate crimes but obviously you can't read.


That was obvious to EVERYONE who read it. What a Maroon!


He only clicked on it because he was hoping it was a Trump-bashing piece and he felt swindled. I used the comment that brought it to my attention on Twitter as the headline, here.





its not just america, look at how many muslims have falsified attacks committed against them in europe in canada. one girl lied about her hijab being ripped off and prompted response from justin trudeau only to have it come out as a lie later on. the left just cant stop lying and deceiving


add one more to the list


Hoax hate crimes, as bad as they are, are nowhere near damaging as real hate crimes...

See Charlottesville driver...

See Maga Bomber...

See Synagogue shooter (I know, I know, he hated Trump... for not being racist enough!)

Ultimately, you can undo the damage of a hoax hate crime by prosecuting the individual and exposing the hoax. You can't bring Heather Heyer back to life by prosecuting the piece of shit that mowed her down in a car.


They're both damaging, in that the hoaxes make people suspicious of the real ones.


no, you cant undo the damage of a hoax. just look at what all the false rape accusations have done to tarnish the real rape victims credibility. cops first instinct now is to assume its a lie. and all of society suffers from that as a result.


Continue pushing a narrative that they're all fake, because that will foment a prejudice against real right-wing hate crimes, and then actual hate crimes will get tossed aside and ignored, leading to an even bigger problem and it'll put the shoe on the other foot (as always happens).

The overly defensive nature of your worldview also begs the question: How did you get into such a defensive posture? Could it be due to the presence of actual hate crimes, and actual hate, and actual prejudice? Wow, it is!

The kind of person who celebrates fake hatred is the worst kind of person. Who loves a hoax racial crime the most? A racist who is eager to use it as justification and defense. Who loves a hoax anti-gay crime the most? A homophobe who is eager to use it as justification and defense.

Celebrating a hoax basically puts you into that category because it shows that you're eager to use it for justification and defense. Sorry Destinata, but your attempt to pretend to be "fair and balanced" lately is constantly disproven by how you happily engage in propaganda.

And I know the belief that the "right" would never engage in a hoax is convenient for you, but it's so far from true. The paranoia and drive for conflict that monopolizes the right wing is fertile ground for endless conspiracy theories and hoax conspiracies. That's why you have Alex Jones, the Birther movement, Benghazi, etc.


I just posted that danger to someone else who said the hoax hate crimes weren't as bad as the real ones. They're both bad, because the more hoaxes, the less likely people would be to take these crimes seriously.

You don't tend to listen to people, and you construct straw men. No, I never said the right would "never" engage in such hoaxes.

It's been real. But if you're going to insist that people are making the arguments you want to see them make rather than what they actually have made, there's little point to arguing with you.
