Why he did it....

1. Wtf is a Smullet? Sounds like some new layer of lameness worse than a mullet (yes I have had a mullet in my life, so I know!)

2. Some cruel soulless sadist named him Jussie. That would drive any of us to the brink. Why didn't he take on a stage name? Unless this is his stage name, which would also explain this. It would just mean he is crazy, perhaps sociopathy or even psychopathy. No man who would choose that name has a spotless mind, and zero sunshine within.

3. It was actually an elaborate political-pun-based performance art... What was that around his neck? A Fake Noose, literally!

4. Pouring chemicals on him = Protest of Trump attacking the EPA and allowing more industrial pollution.

5. Coming out of Subway = Reference to New York's subway system, one of its most iconic features. This lets us know the message is truly directed at Trump.

Jussie is either a brave genius, or a certifiable maniac. Or both.



The desire to self-harm is a common symptom of borderline personality disorder. People with other mental disorders may also self-harm, including those with depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and several personality disorders.[2] Self-harm can also occur in high-functioning individuals who have no underlying mental health diagnosis.[9] The motivations for self-harm vary.[14] Some use it as a coping mechanism to provide temporary relief of intense feelings such as anxiety, depression, stress, emotional numbness, or a sense of failure.[15] Self-harm is often associated with a history of trauma, including emotional and sexual abuse.[16][17] There are a number of different methods that can be used to treat self-harm and which concentrate on either treating the underlying causes or on treating the behaviour itself. When self-harm is associated with depression, antidepressant drugs and therapy may be effective.[citation needed] Other approaches involve avoidance techniques, which focus on keeping the individual occupied with other activities, or replacing the act of self-harm with safer methods that do not lead to permanent damage.[18]


Yeah I dated a cutter once when I was 19, and she was quite unstable. She also loved to shave her legs dry. A bit of a masochist... I did love her though.


Do you realize this was a hoax? He didn't harm himself. He tried to harm MAGA supporters.


The same reason they all do it. They want Tyler Perry to give them a job.



Who is 'they'?


Don't be coy, you know who "they" refers to.

It should be obvious... "those people" who are always out for attention, trying to get in front of news cameras, acting crazy in public, and being rude to everyone who's not one of "them."

You know who we mean. The lazy, entitled, "give me money for nothing" ones who mostly vote Democrat, just for their own benefit.

"Those people" who are a minority yet want you to believe they're more important than you and the rest of us. Oh sure, there are some good ones, but they are the exception, not the rule.

They, them, THOSE PEOPLE... You gotta know what we mean. Are you catching on?

If not, then fine, HERE: I'm talking about [spoiler]actor[/spoiler] people, duh!



5. Coming out of Subway = Reference to New York's subway system, one of its most iconic features. This lets us know the message is truly directed at Trump.

Jussie didn't need to cloak his intent in symbolism nor did he.

He claimed his "attackers" yelled something about Chicago being MAGA country. That needs symbolism? There's no doubt who his hate message was intended for.

His despicable hate message was quite clear. He created a racially motivated attack and falsely accused innocent people of the crime. History has taught some people nothing.

If Trump supporters refused to act badly he would create his own example of what he believes every Trump supporter wants. He's a leftist racist with no tolerance of anything or anyone who would dare to support Trump. So in effect, he's the poster child of what today's Democrats are about.


Fyi, I made this topic after mistakenly believing that Jussie's attack was exposed 100%, assuming he also possibly confessed, or at least had "no comment."

This belief came from a topic created by yet another Trump supporter clearly speaking about the future fallout from the "hoax," framing Jussie as the guilty party as though this was a fact.

Then I saw that is not the case and there is no definitive proof of anything.


There wouldn't be a grand jury unless there was evidence of a hoax!


Yes thankfully my topic became more relevant! Lol


Because your Grand Wizard and Guiding Light is an ignoramus, you pathetically have to paint your smarter opposition in broad strokes. Why don't you organize a Klan rally for kindergartners.


Why don't you organize a Klan rally for kindergartners.

Two reasons: I'm a newly minted Republican since last November having left the founding Democratic party of the KKK so I'm pretty much done with Democrats and their racism and since I'm black, it would be really uncomfortable for me to parade around my family in a Democratic Klan garb.

But do try to address anything I said specifically.


Uh, because he's an actor and actors will do anything for press?

I seem to be the only one here who realizes this is just a great big publicity stunt. Well now everyone in the country is talking about him, I hope he's happy with the results.


Now watch as he puts the terrible security cam video of the "attack" on his demo reel for his next acting audition! (Though he probably won't get the gig, or any, at least not any time soon)


He did it because he was radicalized by the fake news media, who lead him to believe our president was a Russian Agent who would start a nuclear war for fun. Wouldn't that make you do crazy things too, as a patriot?

Bush actually did start wars, on behalf of a foreign country Israel, based on media lies about WMDs. Yet we didn't see this same sort of hatred back then in spite of actual cause for it. People should have been rioting "against fascism" and whatnot.

That's how we know it's the media who's whipping up emotions now and sending people like Smollette into a frenzy.
