MovieChat Forums > M. Night Shyamalan Discussion > Cut THE HAPPENING some slack

Cut THE HAPPENING some slack

There’s such a weird, head-injury induced charm to The Happening. It truly must be seen to be believed. The film opens with a genuinely disturbing sequence, as two young women in Central Park slowly realize something is not quite right: all the people in the park have suddenly stopped in their tracks, and some of them are disjointedly walking backwards. It’s truly chilling,and only escalates as one of the women pulls a long silver chopstick from her hair and stabs herself in the neck with it. From there we’re onto a construction site, where workers begin leaping to their deaths, splattering onto the ground in horrifyingly graphic manners. A shot from below looking up at a flock of men in hard hats flinging themselves to their deaths in a carefree manner is downright disturbing.
