MovieChat Forums > Michael Shannon Discussion > Isn't he loving and tolerant?

Isn't he loving and tolerant?

Isn't it ironic how angry and hateful these anti-Trump guys are?

I mean Shannon went full retard with the hate and he said hardly alone. Yet Trump supporters are supposed to be the "hateful" and "Intolerant" ones?

I've never seen anything like this reaction to Trump. It's unreal. The guy is a clown but he wouldn't have won if they hadn't ran a sick corrupt criminal old lady just because they wanted the first President with a vagina so badly. They (the left) have nobody to,blame but themselves.

People are just fed up with the elite, they're fed up with SJW and this PC nonsense. You push to far in any direction and you're going to get a backlash and that's what's trump is.


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That's because liberal intolerance is done "for the greater good". It's ok to wish death upon a group of people when they don't agree with your political views. That's what makes you liberal.


Mondo retardo. Liberals are intolerant to racist, homophobic, xenophobic *beep* We hate for good reason - not just because people are different. It's because conservatives choose to go out of their way to oppress minorities that they are the receiving end of our contempt. and Yes, that is OK.
By your own idiotic logic, we could say you are intolerant of Shannon's views, which makes you an intolerant & hateful person. That's plain stupid, isn't it? Yeah, I thought so.

LOL you're an idiot. The vast majority of the time you idiots are the ones crying racism and intolerance when it really isn't there. Half the time you are racist yourselves without even realizing it. You are so PC crazy crybabies you can't see the forest from the trees. I think this video is a perfect satire of you morons:


It's all good, Trump won now all the liberals are crying lmao


Mondo retardo. Liberals are intolerant to racist, homophobic, xenophobic *beep* We hate for good reason - not just because people are different. It's because conservatives choose to go out of their way to oppress minorities that they are the receiving end of our contempt. and Yes, that is OK.
By your own idiotic logic, we could say you are intolerant of Shannon's views, which makes you an intolerant & hateful person. That's plain stupid, isn't it? Yeah, I thought so.

Excellent Troll Post!
