MovieChat Forums > Michael Shannon Discussion > Big mouth hate filled jack ass

Big mouth hate filled jack ass

I will NEVER contribute one more cent to this guys career.. He should be ashamed of himself, but, I'm sure he's too busy acting like an *beep* *beep* him and his hate.. Liberal or conservative- this kind of stupidity is what drives Americans apart.. What a fool...


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Totally agree. Why do these public figures make such careless remarks that tear down their fans?


I'm sure he will mourn the loss of your cents...


I'm sure he will mourn the loss of your cents...

He did more than just spew his political views (which he has a right to do) he actually threatened people and wished death upon them. That is something that cannot be tolerated.


Liberal (adjective) definition: open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

(of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
Conservative (adjective) definition: holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.

a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.

The 'tard part I can't help you there. Your bastardization of words is humorous though.


What is your point, jackas s?

Liberal (adjective) definition: open to new behavior or opinions

You liberals are only open to people who agree with you a s s hole.


How can you defend his ageist, anti-democratic, even fascistic words?

Is this what modern 'liberalism' is all about? Because if the answer is 'yes', I feel less inclined to be worried about Trump...


Quick Google search for the definition of these words, I copied and pasted. My point is how misconstrued these words have become and turned into nasty labels which are irrelevant if you actually talk to people face to face instead of insulting someone from a distance.
