MovieChat Forums > Connie Sellecca Discussion > 1978 girl of my dreams

1978 girl of my dreams

I never got over her mesmerizing aura in the made-for-TV movie 🐠 “The Bermuda Depths”. 🐟

Childhood crush.


Indeed, she was a cutie.


Nice 👌


That damn movie! I saw it as a young kid, and it stuck with me like no other movie from that time in my life. They must have had subliminal messaging in there because I've come across many who have been affected similarly by it. Eerie as hell.


Had the same affect with the made-for-TV movie “Don’t be afraid of the dark”. I had a hard time finding the title because I thought the female lead dragged into a fireplace by tiny creatures was Karen Black.

And for 3 DECADES...NOBODY WOULD FREAKING BELIEVE ME and told me I just had a nightmare!

(Too bad the remake sucked...)

But with “The Bermuda Depths”...I could never shake Connie’s “girl-next-door” beauty with the mesmerizing eyes.

Never got over it...


Yeah, she was massively hot back then, and in The Greatest American Hero
