Love cures cancer
Have you seen the website at it's worth checking out. it's a charity that Kyle started as of January in Los Angeles to try and get young people in Hollywood more involved. Make a donation.
Have you seen the website at it's worth checking out. it's a charity that Kyle started as of January in Los Angeles to try and get young people in Hollywood more involved. Make a donation.
Yeah - it's looking good.
And it's easy now that you can donate via Paypal.
Check out Kyle on youtube talking about it -
I wish I could go to the launch party on April 15 - I am over 21;-)
Unfortunately I'm not in LA - *sniff*
One more Kyle's great job! I'm proud of him!!!!
shareThe concept for is wonderful but the website needs to constantly be updated with ongoing activities or listings of what the next project they're planning on supporting is. My wonderful mom-in-law passed this summer due to a rare form of cancer and we received an exceptional amount of cash to be used as we saw fit. We donated part to a church camp for troubled adults and we wanted to donate the other half to I love that 100% of donations go to whatever project is going (overhead up to 30% in most charities is a big sucking useless void) but my husband didn't feel there was enough information to know where the money would be used next. We decided to donate the remaining half to the Ronald McDonald house which is a terrific org. as well. I feel bad for LCC because this was a unique opportunity to contribute a fair amount of money without loosing a large portion to "costs".
Kudos to the folks at LCC and I encourage you to really work your website since that is the only face you can show the public and it's a very selfless idea!
Love this site! Facebook/Tweeting this website...Everyone knows someone with cancer. Show you care! I wish more celebrities would use their status for a greater good. Thanks to Kyle and his supporters.