Nut allegories.

In ADVENTURELAND, Martin Starr's character Joel mentions walnuts could send him into an epileptic shock. In "Freaks and Geeks", his character is put into a coma after a bully puts a peanut in his sandwich. Is the ADVENTURELAND reference a homage to his "Freaks and Geeks" role, a coincidence or does Martin Starr have a nut allegory in real life and he has encorporated this malady into his roles?

If anyone knows, share your knowledge with us and your source.

"A fool and his money soon party!"


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"Nut allegory"

Hahaha brilliant


hahahahaha...sh_t. I saw that too! How exactly would one write a 'nut allegory'? The walnuts would have to be very wise and macadamia nuts should be sultry and slightly promiscuous.... it just writes itself!

Character is what you are in the dark.
