
So, I was quite late to Freaks and in I just Netflixed it a month or so ago. My absolute fave is Martin Starr. I clicked on here to see what else he's done and was NOT expecting him to be a hottie. Wow. I'd seen Adventureland and Knocked Up a few years back and didn't connect that it was him. I remember watching Knocked Up and thinking the guy with the beard was hot despite the nasty beard. Wow. I'm just still in a bit of a shock that I'd like to bed the adult Bill Haverchuck. I will be putting more of his films in my Netflix queue. I'm hooked.


Netflix has the show Party Down on Instant View. The man is a comedic genius.

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The same thing just happened to me. I just Netflixed "Freaks and Geeks" over the last two weeks (didn't watch it when it was on TV) and could not believe that Bill was Martin from "Knocked Up". I have a certain affection for beards anyway, and thought the poor guy was getting made fun of for the most awesome beard for no good reason. Though, it did get past awesome to nasty by the time the birth happened. LOL!!


I know right I was like whooa. He's hot. Lol I didn't expect that. I've been watching alot of freaks & geeks episodes so I guess that's why im so shocked. Im so used to seeing him all geeked up

Famous people might have fans but I have air conditioning
