Quem se Importa Screening at Newport Beach Film Festival -- Apr 28
Orange County Premiere of Who Cares? (Quem se Importa)!
Don't miss the Orange County screening of Who Cares? (Quem se Importa) at the Newport Beach Film Festival, Newport Beach, CA, on Sunday, April 28, 2013 at 5:15 p.m.
Tickets and Information:
http://newportbeach.festivalgenius.com/2013/films/whocaresquemseimport a_maramouro_newportbeach2013
Newport Beach Film Festival
April 25 to May 2, 2013
Over 300 films, nightly galas, free seminars on screenwriting, editing, and music.
Who Cares? (Quem se Importa) Screening at Newport Beach Film Festival -- Apr. 28