8 Samurai

Let me start off by saying that "Eight Samurai" was a fun film to watch. I thought Hiroyuki did a great job playing his part... but I must ask... the lady ninja who fought the son of the demon woman... he tells her right before he dies that he loves her. Then she weeps and says "I've never been loved before." I was just scrathing my head. That scene made no sense to me. Before that scene those two had never met! And if they did it was not revealed in the plot. It was strange.


The evil snake lietenant walked into the wedding scene when Keno (the sole female member of 8 samurai) was dancing, and was immediately attracted to her. He caught her by surprise at the graveyard where she collected her money for assassinating the magistrate, and he tries to seduce her. When Keno meets up with the rest of the group, she tells them that she is an orphan and no one has ever shown any love for her.

Is this your favorite Hiroyuki Sanada film?
