Authorities Now Have A Clearer Picture Of How Bob Saget Likely Died
a bathroom fall as i thought
a bathroom fall as i thought
probably passed out from the mcfranklinvax like that other lady who did mid act
shareya it wasnt smashing his skull, it was the vaccine that killed him..
shareyep it is all part of there evil plan. the vax will kill the old and turn the young into weak sick versions of their former selves who will have to rely on the big pharma criminals to fix there new health side effects created by this poison
shareyes the vaccine made an older person slip in the bathroom (in a commonly wet area).
are you currently on medication?
medication?!? i only smerk the weed dont take any other big pharma shit since i was a kid abusing the amphetamines they handouts piles of like its candy to kiddos so they can be droned out and not act like kids in the lame ass edumication system here. yea i never needed that shit just wanted to get high and that stuff get you turnt like a methhead. this vax is wack. look at this dumb bitch attempting to make a pro vax propaganda "joke" then being smithed down by the vax immediately resulting in a crack in her skull. now she smartened up and says she wont get the second booster lmfao
well the amphetamines must have left long term issues then...
I honestly can't tell if you are a poe, because you are the perfect caricature of a conspiracy idiot..
omg! no human has ever fainted in history!! I was forced to go to mass in high school! one of the kids feinted!!! I must have been that mmr vaccine they got as a child!! end all vaccines!!
keep drinking the coolade bud. i am sure the amphetamines have left long term issues but at least i am off them and not taking any other big pharma shit. ur inject ur 69th booster yet bud?!?
shareI wish i could post GIFs of Alex jones in a tin foil hat
you get your seasonal flu shot? you know the same technology as covid ones? that also have to be changed each year as variants change?
conspiracy clown
seasonal flu shot?!? naw i never taken that shit in my life. i am scared of needles and it seems pointless. getting the flu is healthy and natural. i have gotten it a couple times but now my body is strong and i havent been sick in years. conspiracy clowns have been right all along about everything. it has always worked out for me going my own way and not listening to authorities why would i change now?!?
share"it has always worked out for me going my own way and not listening to authorities why would i change now?!?"
you should only cook chicken to 120 degrees then
ohh and seatbelts are a lie too
ohh and who needs treated and tested water.. drink from a lake.
its all a conspiracy
Do you not understand how vaccinations work?
"getting the flu is healthy and natural. i have gotten it a couple times but now my body is strong and i havent been sick in years."
It is terribly destructive to your body if you get a bad case of the flu. Do you think having the vaccine makes your body less strong? You know how the vaccine works right? It builds up and strengthens your immune system to fight back against the specific strains. So you get immunity against the living organism that is attacking you without damaging yourself.
That's why there is a new one every year and why there is a booster for the Covid vaccine.
Do you understand science? Like at all?
i know that big pharma wants sick customers and if they off me a "free" experimental vax i cant sue em for then i should stay away from those slimy bastards
shareSeriously, these website is packed with these conspiracy nuts. They all feed into each others delusions.
shareDMT is nuts. because in another thread I corrected him and I said its spelt "Kool-aid". he said I was a corporatist owned slaved.
I can't tell if he's a poe or his mind has just deteriorated. not even being mean. he's wacky
I'm starting to believe it might have been a side effect of the "vaccine". Why didn't the police report on the multiple fractures to his head when they gave their initial report. They said he was in bed with his hands on his chest, but nothing else suspicious or anything that would give an indication to cause of death. But now they are looking for blood on the marble? I'm thinking you'd notice a guy who has multiple fractures to his skull.
People are talking like he's in his 80's and is falling all the time. Watch some of his sets, doesn't look like an 80 year old prone to falling.
yeah he is def another one of the many vax victims
Reminds me of Joe Spinell who fell in the shower, cut his head on the glass shower door and decided to lie down for a bit…he was found dead on his couch
Bizarre that they found no blood or tissue in the bathroom or so I understand. Just seems hard to have a head strike of that magnitude and leave no biological evidence in the place where the person was injured
shareI'm sure if they looked hard enough they'd find microscopic fractures, probably in the bathroom. However, they have video evidence that he entered his room around 2AM, nobody else entered or left until they found his body approx 12 hours later.
Lot's of obese people in the U.S. die in ways you either don't think or ever know about. However, the coroner sees obese corpses all the time, knows the lifestyle greatly contributed to their demise.
40,000 people die of obesity in the U.S. every month but nope, we're not supposed to talk about it.
It is truly a freakish accident and your comment about what coroners see has got to be so true. I’m sure absolutely nothing surprises them.
share“ Authorities checked the marble end tables and counters in the bathroom, but found no traces of blood or hair. Now, they believe that Saget lost consciousness in the bathroom and fell backward onto the marble floor, striking his head.”
The bullshits deep on this one