MovieChat Forums > Wyatt Russell Discussion > My Opinion and You Know Everyone Has One...

My Opinion and You Know Everyone Has One :)

I think he seems like a normal regular kind of guy like us, like anybody. I really do respect him for doing his own thing and I love hockey. I mean, you have to love hockey!!! So I think it would be best to just view him as an up-and-coming hockey player. And about how he looks...pshaw! He looks like any twentysomething guy I know---I doubt as a hockey player he cares about being in People Magazine's Top 100 Most Beautiful. And I kind of laughed when I read that people actually call other people ugly....are we serious here?! He's a handsome young man.

I hope that where ever he is and where ever he goes, people just get to know him for who he is, not his parents. And not ask any stupid questions, make any crazy comments, or make up stuff. And not put any weird pressure on him....well, unless when it comes to blocking shots!!!! Good luck to the kid!

I mean, my dad created the piano-key necktie, but you don't see me trying to be in the limelight...but seriously...I hope he doesn't read this silly board.

Okay, that's all, "Talk amongst yourselves..."


Wow, the piano-key necktie! I'm impressed!


I has a class wih him this spring. Toward the end of the semester he grew his beard out. My daughter had just watched "The Thing" on dvd the night before, and she saw him and thought he was Kurt Russell. She's 13 and blond, and somehow didn't grasp that the movie had been made before Wyatt was born. He did look like his dad with the beard though.


Well, he looked like a cute kid but that picture of him w/Kurt and Oliver @ Poseidon looks like he was beat with an ugly stick. I hope that's just a bad picture! Yikes!
