MovieChat Forums > Mark Ruffalo Discussion > Thoughts on the new Foxcatcher trailer.....

Thoughts on the new Foxcatcher trailer... news-june-27-july-3-2014/

Here is a news column I wrote for my blog. In it I discuss the new Foxcatcher trailer. The trailer blew me away and I am so excited for this movie. The buzz is that Ruffalo is on his way to his first Oscar.

Check it out and let me know what you think!


Mark was, as always, brilliant in his role as Dave Schultz. However, both Steve Carrell as John DuPont and Channing Tatum as Mark Schultz were equally impressive. This was an incredibly acted movie.

Youve got a mustache. I mean, you have milk on your mustache. I mean, you have a milk mustache!
