MovieChat Forums > Mark Ruffalo Discussion > Might not attend the Oscars?

Might not attend the Oscars?

Dude! You were honored with the nomination. Something that only happens once in a life time for most actors. Will you win? Probably not! But you still show up. Pay your dues, show respect for your fellow nominees. Stop crying over the losers who weren't nominated. I can guarantee there were more white actors snubbed for nominations than there even are black actors worth of consideration!


The Oscars are irrelevant, anyway. All the decisions are based on race or who can be the biggest liberal douche bag.


I agree that it's based on who can be the biggest liberal D-Bag. With that being a requirement then Leonardo DeCRAPrio should have won a long time ago. He is the biggest liberal D-Bag of them all. But I don't believe race has anything to do with it EXCEPT, in the year when Halle Berry won for Monster's Ball, and Denzel Washington won for Training Day. I loved Denzel in Glory. But Training Day was just okay. It wasn't any Oscar worthy performance IMO. But I honestly feel they both won to keep the riots down. So many better actresses up against Halle I was baffled when she won.


"But I don't believe race has anything to do with it EXCEPT, in the year when Halle Berry won for Monster's Ball, and Denzel Washington won for Training Day. I loved Denzel in Glory. But Training Day was just okay. It wasn't any Oscar worthy performance IMO. But I honestly feel they both won to keep the riots down."

That's exactly what I'm talking about when I say race is a factor.


Since Mark Ruffalo was nominated, that guarantees at least one person was snubbed.


I'm pretty sure Ruffalo is attending the Oscars anyway because he said the importance of Spotight is one reason he must attend.


Looks like the little man liberal showed up anyway...What a spineless, gutless, worthless, hollywood-sucking turd? You want to take a stand? You want make comments about injustice? You want to show that actions back up words?

No, no, no...This liberal two-face shows up and basks in the glory of the same institution that he protests against.. Looks like the little man liberal wasn't so put off after all, huh? Sorry Mark - that honorary black man' award you so desperately were trying to get just ain't going to happen. Loser


So he gets trashed no matter which decision he makes. (Apparently based on his being a "liberal").

LBJ's mistress on JFK:
