MovieChat Forums > Mark Ruffalo Discussion > Now he wants Jerry Brown to ban ALL oil ...

Now he wants Jerry Brown to ban ALL oil production in California

First, he is from Wisconsin. Second, he is a leftist hack. Third, he works in an industry that wastes more fossil fuels and pollutes more than any other. And fourth, his only claim to fame is parroting what somebody else wrote.

Why he despises those who are employed by oil companies and support their families is the real puzzle. Further he would prefer that Californians pay more for gasoline than everyone else. He needs to take his sorry ass back to Wisconsin and leave Californians alone.


Dude... if you hate hollywood so much. Maybe you should just stop watching movies and get another hobby. Preferably one where you'd run into people who agree with your sorted views so the rest of us can get a bit of peace


You remind me of the obnoxious old goat whom my younger sister is dating. All he does is bitch and moan about Hollywood liberals and the President. He ruins everyone's good time and we avoid inviting him to any function. Is your name Stephen by chance? Is that you buzz kill Steve?
