MovieChat Forums > Sara Rue Discussion > Is she getting fat again?

Is she getting fat again?

I remember her on "Two and a half man" and she was skinny as hell, and now I saw her on "The Big Bang Theory" and she was a little heavier...


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maybe, could be some reasoning behind it. to be honest I didn't like her back when she did two and a half men, she just looked like every other skinny blonde clone out there.

Wise men say haha made ya look


Or maybe she just simply gained the weight back. It happens a lot where you lose a lot of weight in a short time, chances you will probaly gain most of it back. Being someone whos struggling with weight problems, I can understand that. But I have to admit, she did look pretty good in TBBT compared to the pics of where she was skinny.


On this week's Eastwick, I noticed she was considerably heavier...also, the camera avoided shooting her midsection; in one scene she had a giant purse over her stomach. Is she pregnant?


Totally agree, she didn't look good in TAAHM, she was beautiful on TBBT, i wish she was a regular in that show, she was very funny! Sadly, Eastwick has been cancelled, so we won't be seeing her on screen, at least in a while.

And here we go all over again, Sara is looking great, and people are starting to call her "fat" again, i just hope she won't listen to all that nonsense this time.


Oh, God, I hope so! She should really eat, and put the weight back on herself.

Martin Scorsese IS the best


She's actually slimming down at the time, but i do agree that she looks better on the plump side.


Agreed. She just doesn't look good thinner. No HST in Ontario.
