
On I think that's what it's called it says he is caucasion,I figured he was hispanic or some type of spanish....

In the darkness that surrounds me
I see my own special hell


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He looks hispanic but he could be italian.

Sorrow sank deep inside my Blood


His last name is Italian.
Spanish is Hispanic. And Spanish and Italian people are Caucasians.


If spanish is hispanic, hispanic people are not caucasians.

Sorrow sank deep inside my Blood


All that Hispanic means is that you speak spanish. Hispanic people come in a rainbow of colours.


No, it doesn't. Hispanic is a specific race, and it has nothing to do with what language you speak.

You're probably getting "Hispanic", a race, confused with "Latina/Latino" which is an ethnicity. You can be any race and be a Latina/Latino, but they are usually Hispanic, Black (not to be confused with African-American, which is an ethnicity in the U.S.), or Caucasian.


Hispanic is a geopolitical term, not a race. Everyone who hails from a Spanish speaking country in Latin America (ie, everyone who isn't Brazilian) is Hispanic. That includes blacks, whites, indians, asians, and everything in between.


It's nice to see SAMCRO having a "Character" that is Puerto Rican. I like Theo Rossi. He's the man! But, I just don't understand why they didn't get an actual puerto rican to play that role. Theo Rossi might have some type of puerto rican background.

If it aint moving, you can eat it!
