MovieChat Forums > Theo Rossi Discussion > You may not like Juice, but Theo is grea...

You may not like Juice, but Theo is great

Theo really deserves an Emmy nod for playing conflicted Juice in Sons of Anarchy. He is great in his interviews. All the guy wants is a family, and Theo captures it perfectly.

Great acting. Since Jax has gone bat sh$t crazy, he's becoming one of my favorites, along with Nero, Venus and Tig.


I love Juice AND Theo. Praying he makes it out of SOA alive.


I really wanted Juice to live. I could honestly understand each and every thing he did from the point of view of a flawed human being. He had a conscience. He had a guilt complex. He hurt. He had very human responses to very inhuman things that he clearly wasn't equipped to handle and I think the club, Jax especially, played on the fact that he had literally nothing else in his life. No family and friends. That made him very valuable because that, along with his somewhat simple mind and his desperateness for acceptance, meant he would do absolutely anything he was told. Even if the fallout and the guilt would damage him.

I never understood what he did that was SO MUCH worse than what others did and got a total let-off for it. Why was he systematically tortured for making mistakes when his intentions were always well meaning? He just wasn't smart enough to think them through. Tig went for Opie and ended up killing Donna, all behind the club's back (discounting Clay). Jax forgave him. How many times has he put the club in danger by flying off the handle? Do we see Jax encouraging his rape in prison? Jax has done more behind the club's back than anyone on the show for utterly selfish reasons, yet Juice has it hanging over him for three whole seasons because Jax doesn't want to kill him while he can use him.

Why on Earth did Jax choose vulnerable Juice for Darveny's murder if only because he knew the poor kid was beaten down already and wouldn't say no to him? He has a lot of men there who will kill without question for him and will get up and brush it off, yet he chooses the one who is broken, who struggles with having to take a life and who is unstable enough as it is - then condemns him for speaking out when he was under the influence of the drugs he took to escape. Why? Because the wonderful 'brotherhood' totally ignored his obvious cries for help and, instead of trying to help him, told him to pull himself together.

What happened to this kid is utterly appalling and totally uncalled for. It was basically three seasons of systematic emotional torture, made all the more compelling because of how it was played. I ached for Juice, I really did. I wanted to reach into that screen, take him by the hand and lead him away from that awful life. I hate that he died the way he did, loyal to the club who basically tore him to pieces then discarded what was left as meaningless.


Loved Juice, Nero, Tig and Venus too. felt sorry for Juice. Great acting by all.
