Free City T-Shirt

Does anyone know anything about the 'Free City' t-shirt that Tracee wears on Girlfriends occasionally?
Lil' help.


i was wondering as well. i have seen joan\tracee wear the green tshirt with "free city" written on it in yellow. i was soo hoping it was about something tangible. alas the shirt\slogan is by ron herman and means nada but ridicously overpriced cotton tshirts made overseas for pennies but being sold here in the US for $98!
i did a google search and found some info. heris 1 link:


Yeah i saw her wear it on an episode and i loved it, i've always loved Ron Herman but yeah as u said ^^ its ridicously overpriced cotton tshirt, i should just buy a tshirt and put "Free City" on in canda its $195 just for the shirt..thats such b.s.

"I almost numchucked you, you don't even realize!" - Will Ferrell
