MovieChat Forums > Seth Rogen Discussion > Unpatriotic moron

Unpatriotic moron

Seth Rogen has the right to make his garbage movies because America is a free country and yet he compares a patriotic movie to nazism. He should be more thankful for the freedom that allows his trash like the interview to be released.


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Fat and stupid bum he is. What a coward. Chris Kyle was 1000 times the man he was. Tell him to go back to sleezy Canada and STFU.

This will really hurt his career with those comments.

Chris is a true American Hero.

Seth is a third rate comedian.


You're a shallow person and have no clue what it means to defend this country. Spineless people like you should be put on the front lines to grow some balls...


smithjon21 is unAmerican for agreeing with a cheese-head hack like Seth Rogen. Too many entertainers come to the U.S. and take advantage of ours and their constitutional freedoms by spewing hateful remarks about our country, our politicians, and our military. The whole while they are making big American dollars and it makes me wonder if that is the only reason they are here. Could Seth Rogen be wealthy and well known without America? Probably not. He should shut the fock up and be grateful that our troops and our veterans have kept America safe and secured our freedom so he could be here and be free to say the viral *beep* that he says.
smithjon21, you liberal pile of dung, I hope you someday change your mind on your views of our troops. "nothing honorable about voluntarily....blah blah blah....any able bodied person....blah blah blah" Shame on you young man. You are an embarrassment to your parents, your family, and to this great country.


smithjon21 The amount of disrespect you show is staggering. I can't believe you can even stand by your liberal comments without feeling like a complete idiot. People like you are exactly what's wrong with America.


smithjon21 The only reason you can spew the crap you're saying now is because those soldiers fought for those rights. If you can't respect that, then you miss the whole meaning of freedom.
