MovieChat Forums > Seth Rogen Discussion > Seth Rogen -- Another one-note actor

Seth Rogen -- Another one-note actor

Admittedly I used to love the movies he was in such as, 40 Year Old Virgin, Neighbours, Knocked Up, This is the End, Superbad, The Interview, The Night Before and so on. I suppose I've grown tired of his one-dimensional characters as I've seen what he's capable as an actor... not that much (act as a jerk, smoke weed and vice-versa).

If you like him and his one-sided characters there's nothing wrong with it. Everyone's got their taste. 


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He is a great actor I watch all his movies.


One note actor? His bank account says different. And everyone loves him. Don't hate the player, hate the game!


Quantity =/= Quality

Smartphone games are super profitable but are they actually good? No, not most of the time anyway. It's just freemium games reskinned games with paywalls implemented. Same could be said about fast-food. While it is cheap and profitable it's not actually healthy to eat that every day but needless to say it's also very lucrative.


Ok, so you don't like him.
