MovieChat Forums > Seth Rogen Discussion > Seth Rogan writes drama?

Seth Rogan writes drama?

I saw that Seth Rogan was a cheater and writer on the show "Preacher". When I saw this I was a little surprised. I knew he was a good writer for what he's done previously (Pineapple Express, Superbad, The Interview.) but I was unsure of his ability to write drama. Comedy is a very different verse and for someone who seems to only write comedy (maybe Seth rogan has a stack of short drama stories in a file on his computer) to do. That being said I would watch almost anything Seth Rogan writes. Drama, comedy whatever. I think as a writer he is very talented and as an actor even more.


well he's not the only writer of the show, there's a lot of them plus it's an adaptation of the comics so they already have the source material, I guess he mostly write the comedy aspect of the show or something like he also did 50/50 which is a drama..
