Ruined Kevin Smith.
Nuff said.
shareHow? Can I get some insight in this matter, please? I'm looking for reasons to hate this idiot.
shareOk look, I don't agree with this idiot, but I will explain it to you. In the end of making Zack and Miri make a porno, Seth rogen offered to share a joint with Kevin Smith. Offered is the key word here. Kev wasn't forced to smoke the joint. He chose to. Since then, Kevin has been a pothead. Now, I don't exactly think pot has a effect on it, but kevins movies has been weird lately with the horror movies, and taking forever to make the movies we want like clerks 3 and mallrats 2. I did enjoy Red State and Tusk. Hopefully since he's done with Yoga hosers, we can quickly get those movies. But saying its seth Rogen's fault is really *beep* stupid. Or saying its because of pot. It could have to do with him getting older or something. Maybe having a family is effecting it. I don't know.
shareRogen is a hack, but he couldn't ruin something that was never good to begin with. Kevin Smith has always been a terrible director.
shareKevin smith was already an idiot. Seth Rogen films are better than Kevin Smith movies.
sharekevin smith ruined himself by making a movie about people who make XXX films.