MovieChat Forums > Joe Rogan Discussion > Use of the N-word - Rogan Apologizes

Use of the N-word - Rogan Apologizes (Compilation)

Yes, he's said a lot of it but many of the clips cut for it shows he's referencing someone else saying it aka lack of 'context'. Now if you scroll down that feed, you'll also see someone reference Joe Biden and The Young Turks anchors saying it as well...


I don't think someone should be punished for referencing someone else saying it or repeating verbatim what they've said as there is no racial intent inferred when used in that way. People just immediately jump on the racist bandwagon of this taboo word. (alt.)

It's jarring how one can 'take' back that word to use it in a more positive light all the while retaining its racial elements of the past by preventing anyone but them from using it, further polarizing its use in general and creating more stigma around it. Why not just stop using it altogether, period. No harm, no foul. Blacks are the ONLY race that does this, you won't find the Chinese using chink in their music or whatnot. Almost seems backward in a way, like you broke free from your chains but kept the chains lying around. If you know of any other race that does this please share.


I have no idea why Rogan didn't point this out. Using it in a referential way or as part of a quote used to be seen as acceptable. Like you pointed out, even hard core leftists would say it in that kind of context. This is one of those things where how they judge someone shifts wildly depending on whether you are guilty of wrongthink.

I wonder if they found some more serious dirt on Rogan. He caved so quickly. Maybe one of these big tech companies tapped someones phone illegally and without permission to record him doing something he'd be embarrassed about, like having a gay orgy with Dana White and some UFC fighters.


without permission to record him doing something he'd be embarrassed about, like having a gay orgy with Dana White and some UFC fighters.

This is probably it.... and do you see the lusty eyes Brendan Schaub gives Joe? Probably includes him, too. And spare himself the humiliation of being outed as a sausage licking fanatic with a penchant for chocolate doughnut holes, Brendan and co., begged Joe to fold and apologize before the chocolate-covered sheets with stains of embarrassment were rolled out for public perusal.


I feel like us whites have had the word stolen from us and we should take it back. I have never used it myself but am going to start dropping it in to every day speech. Reappropriation.


Would advise against it. Some of them take it to offense on the highest richter scale to the point they become violent, almost animalistic in nature and will attack you with even the mere mention of the word. I have seen such cases happen on video. Like a pitbull that starts attacking you and no matter how much you or others whack it, they're tuned only to you and you only.


Are you Kyle Reese?


This is probably more serious, but he blamed it on the drugs and apologized.

Rogan also addressed a clip that Arie shared of him telling an anecdote in which he appeared to compare being around black people with the film Planet of the Apes.

He said: “I was telling a story in the podcast about how me and my friend Tommy and his girlfriend, we got really high, we’re in Philadelphia, and we went to go see Planet of the Apes.

“We didn’t know where we were going, we just got dropped off by a cab, and we got dropped off in this all-black neighbourhood.

“And I was trying to make the story entertaining and I said: ‘We got out, and it was like we were in Africa, like we were in Planet of the Apes.’

“I did not, nor would I ever, say that black people are apes, but it sure fuckin’ sounded like that.

“And I immediately afterwards said: ‘That’s a racist thing to say.’”

Rogan said he had deleted the podcast and admitted it was “an idiotic thing to say”, adding: “I was just trying to be entertaining. I certainly wasn’t trying to be racist, and I certainly would never want to offend someone for entertainment with something as stupid as racism.”

He added: “My sincere and humble apologies. I wish there was more that I could say.”


Yeah, entertaining in a racist kind of way. He still has that bro/bruh/dude mindset with hooked on weed and talking such things as troubled kids or raised in not so great areas do. Hang around skateboarders in semi-low income neighborhoods and you'll see what I mean. That or group homes or foster homes.

In any case, once you know where he's coming from you kinda get the kind of crowd he hangs out with coming from the MMA crowd that likes fighting, beating up people and such.


Worth pointing out that when videos surfaced of Joe Biden saying that word over and over, the media defended him, and said the clips were a non-issue, because he was quoting someone else. It's a double standard to now say the opposite when it's Rogan and not Biden.


Never apologize, it's an admission of guilt and/or wrong doing. And Rogan has nothing to apologize for. The Wokists, like good little commies, are in the business of weaponizing words and setting themselves up as the Thought Police. It's way past time they got put back in their box, hard.


I don’t think it’s wrong to apologize if you truly think you’ve erred and caused harm. What’s ridiculous is that many of the same people that crucify Rogan for uttering the n-word in a benign manner (e.g., not as an epithet directed at a person or people) and dismiss his apology, probably love redemption stories about murderers and hardened criminals returning to society, irrespective of whether they have apologized to their victims or regret their crimes — but only if their skin is the “right” color, which is to say black. But they feel white and “white-adjacent” minorities who used the n-word, whatever the context, should be fired and banned from polite society forevermore. This is morally unserious.


There’s no context to sugar his referring to a black neighborhood has “Planet of the Apes” - I don’t think someone who refers to African Americans as apes gets the benefit of the doubt when it comes to using the n-word over and over again.

Joe used that word because he wanted to be an edgelord. The fact that he thought he could get away with it by using the “I’m just repeating what someone else said” excuse - an excuse a child would use - is crazy.


Just read this thread to find the context. And your dogmatic Woke opinion on the subject doesn't even reach a benefit of the doubt threshold. It just can't be taken seriously no matter how much you people try to misrepresent Cancel Culture as being the epitome of upstanding citizenship.


Joe fucked up. He fucked up by apologizing for something he shouldn't have apologized for - and he did it twice - in one week! lol

Essentially, he's committed suicide. From this day forth, he'll be walking on eggshells, hoping that he doesn't offend someone with 'misinformation' or a crude joke. And from this day forth, the woke police will be looking at every word he says and start a major media campaign if he ever slips up. It's kind of interesting, because I know that he knows what the woke crowds do once you start apologizing. So, given that he knows, I wonder - did someone hold a gun to his head or hold his family hostage? Or perhaps have something much bigger on him that they were threatening to release, if he did not go on the apology tour?

It was certainly odd, and like I said - we've all witnessed JR's suicide and it wasn't pretty. He'll never be the same, regardless of what platform he'll be on - even if he switches to Rumble.


How do you make sure you always win ? You arrange it so that all of the pieces in play on the board are yours.


It's a WORD, for fuck sake, not a nuclear warhead. What the hell is wrong with this planet now???

Sticks and stones, motherfuvkers!!! Grow a pair.
(Not the op, the world)
