Use of the N-word - Rogan Apologizes (Compilation)
Yes, he's said a lot of it but many of the clips cut for it shows he's referencing someone else saying it aka lack of 'context'. Now if you scroll down that feed, you'll also see someone reference Joe Biden and The Young Turks anchors saying it as well...
I don't think someone should be punished for referencing someone else saying it or repeating verbatim what they've said as there is no racial intent inferred when used in that way. People just immediately jump on the racist bandwagon of this taboo word. (alt.)
It's jarring how one can 'take' back that word to use it in a more positive light all the while retaining its racial elements of the past by preventing anyone but them from using it, further polarizing its use in general and creating more stigma around it. Why not just stop using it altogether, period. No harm, no foul. Blacks are the ONLY race that does this, you won't find the Chinese using chink in their music or whatnot. Almost seems backward in a way, like you broke free from your chains but kept the chains lying around. If you know of any other race that does this please share.